Home Forums Vintage EHX v6 BIG MUFF? any followers of this version?

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  • #105879
    Ned Flanders

    Swapping the original muff IC’s=sacrilege IMO!

    Swapping the original muff IC’s=sacrilege IMO!

    Hey, I thought you were all for modding them, it’s just a tool right? :D :D :D

    Vintage gear sentimentality is stoopid IMO, its there to be used and if you can make it better make it better.[/IMG]

    *I agree, just saying…

    Sorry I edited your post (I didnt change anything) I was meant to hit the quote button.LOL


    im all for modding pedals. i wanna look into modding a boss ds-1 at some point but with the big muff. i didnt change the values of anything or make it have more gain or even anything like that because i wanted that big muff sound. i simply replaced old out dated IC chips with the best ones made today. the pedal still sounds like a big muff v5 just not as harsh and far more musical.

    Ned Flanders
    Swapping the original muff IC’s=sacrilege IMO!

    Hey, I thought you were all for modding them, it’s just a tool right? :D :D :D

    Vintage gear sentimentality is stoopid IMO, its there to be used and if you can make it better make it better.[/IMG]

    *I agree, just saying…

    Yeah I’m all for modding, to a certain degree. And I do hold slightly contradictory views on the subject, I’ll try to explain.

    I wouldn’t mod a vintage Big Muff unless absolutely and 100% necessary (like to remove boominess or increase bass response and only if it was unusable for me in the stock condition). Very few vintage big muffs need modding. About the only ones I can think of are the triangle muffs, the two x 50nF caps need upping to 1uF ,that’s in a triangle with 1uF caps,if it has .1uF caps then they need changing to to 1uF too. That’s why I will never buy a triangle muff without at least 5x 1uF caps already in it…like the one you have.

    I mod all my Sovteks but Sovtek big muffs aren’t vintage, they were only made in the 90’s. I don’t mod 3034 Big Muffs (could be classed as vintage) cause they are pretty well perfect stock IMO. I’ll mod any modern pedal with no qualms whatsoever. I’ll also do the same with any vintage pedal if it needs it but with old Big Muffs I do try to keep the original parts intact.
    Basically if its a vintage big muff I try to keep it stock but that doesn’t mean I wont mod it either. Like my vintage (barely vintage,79/80) small stone, I added and LED to that but that’s only because I found it was necessary to indicate whether it was on or not when you have a whole bunch of modulation on like chorus, flanger, delay,tremolo etc. I’ve also added TB to all my vintage pedals.

    Removing the IC’s from an IC Big Muff is paramount to removing the fs36999 trannies from a ramshead IMO. That’s one thing I will never swap in a vintage big muff, the trannies or IC’s, they give that individual pedal a lot of its individual characteristics.

    I’ll true bypass any vintage effect as its 100% necessary in most cases IMO. I’ll also swapp a few caps in any vintage pedal if it makes it better (IMO) and usable.

    SO on the one hand I’m against modding big muffs( the trannies,IC’s and resistors as that significantly changes the sound and bias of the pedal) and on the other I’m all for it(the caps because it only changes the bass and treble freq’s of the pedal,other than that the pedal still sounds the same).

    I hope you can see my (slightly contradictory) point of view!

    And vintage gear sentimentality is stoopid if ones only sentimental because its vintage! (which is often the case) If ones sentimental because it sounds so damn good, then that’s another matter!


    why would you mod a triangle muff? arent they supposed to be awesome? i mean if you wanted a different sound wouldnt you just get a big muff that already had those kind of caps already in it? i dont understand that logic. i mean if youre modding high end roll off and things like that arent you changing the sound of it to suit your own personal tastes? since im all for that i dont truely understand why changing the op amps is any differnt. i mearly upgraded to a better and modern chip. the 741’s and 4558 arent known for being great sounding not to mention outdated by at least 40 years, which is why they arent ever used in high quaility audio gear.

    why would you mod a triangle muff? arent they supposed to be awesome?

    well that’s a metter of opinion/taste I suppose, but no they don’t sound awesome to me…

    Ned Flanders
    why would you mod a triangle muff? arent they supposed to be awesome? i mean if you wanted a different sound wouldnt you just get a big muff that already had those kind of caps already in it? i dont understand that logic. i mean if youre modding high end roll off and things like that arent you changing the sound of it to suit your own personal tastes? since im all for that i dont truely understand why changing the op amps is any differnt. i mearly upgraded to a better and modern chip. the 741’s and 4558 arent known for being great sounding not to mention outdated by at least 40 years, which is why they arent ever used in high quaility audio gear.

    In effectrs pedals “better and modern” doesnt actually mean better! Analog effects sound great as lo-fi devices.

    The IC’s/transistors are the core of that individual big muffs sound, its the heart and brain of it and changing a few caps is only going to allow more /less bass/treble thru in certain areas, not change the core sound of the pedal itself. The majority of the pedals distinctive sound comes from the IC’s/transistors used and the value of resistors. Caps just change frequencies while maintaining the same basic sound the big muff already has coming from the IC’s/transistors.

    This is just my experience from modding a lot of big muffs, your experience may differ.
    In any event who cares anyways, its your pedal so long as you are happy with it that’s all that matters.

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