Home Forums Vintage EHX v6 BIG MUFF? any followers of this version?

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    there are a few other bands i like that have that HUGE HUGE sound, and i thought it was only with the opamp version. im gonna try out the v6 muff a bit more and if i get it, ill post a few pics of it.

    any opinions on the Wicker big muff???

    there are a few other bands i like that have that HUGE HUGE sound, and i thought it was only with the opamp version. im gonna try out the v6 muff a bit more and if i get it, ill post a few pics of it.

    any opinions on the Wicker big muff???

    I think it’s the best of any of the recent models, so I wouldn’t not recommend it…. but if you can get a vintage one for a good price I suggest grabbing that while you can .. you can always pick up a T/W later! ;)


    I liked the one 3034 I had, although it was super noisy. Higher gain and less complex sounding than any of my others, but it had its uses. I put a noise gate in it to tame the noise and it gave it this nice sputtery gated sound a bit like an old Jen Jumbo or a FZ-1A.
    3034 is the mudhoney muff.

    EDIT: Hey smallclone, check your PMs. I sent you a headsup to a v5 1322 for a good price.


    hey. i ended up getting that v5, i wanted the SD sound plus that huge explosion of the tone bypass. but i have a feeling i might try to get another vintage muff down the line. i think ive been bitten by the big muff bug!


    looks like a few v5’s on ebay right now. one with a 3003 printed board kinda cool.

    hey. i ended up getting that v5, i wanted the SD sound plus that huge explosion of the tone bypass. but i have a feeling i might try to get another vintage muff down the line. i think ive been bitten by the big muff bug!

    Cool! I think we need a support group though…



    YES!!!! hook them all up at once!!!

    Ned Flanders
    Sound is a matter of opinion. I don’t like triangle-knob Muffs with .1 caps but there are a lot of people who do like them.

    +1,000,000! Me neither. 100nF caps sound badin any big muff IMO. Its ok to have a few 100nF’s so long as the majority are 1uF’s.

    The version 6 is IMO one of the best sounding muffs ever made and its not really vintage anyways, they started making V6’s in 81(or was it 80? I forget)….not vintage at all.


    i really enjoyed the sound of it too. it was very round sounding and like i said chords, just really sounded quite nice.

    but honestly, i thought this was the best sounding big muff.


    but honestly, i thought this was the best sounding big muff.


    this my is favorite muff sound…


    40 seconds onwards. I love that really grungy, filthy, muffled ‘almost crapping out’ sound…. I don’t hear other versions do that in quite the same way.

    i really enjoyed the sound of it too. it was very round sounding and like i said chords, just really sounded quite nice.

    but honestly, i thought this was the best sounding big muff.


    love it :rawk: but i’m afraid that i have a long road ahead of me before i buy something that expensive :facepalm:

    the Stroud demo muff doesn’t sound very good to me… and i really don’t like his demos either

    the Stroud demo muff doesn’t sound very good to me… and i really don’t like his demos either

    a classic case of ‘one man’s food is another man’s poison’ I guess. ;)


    so i got the v5 yesterday and it sounded JUST like SD!!!! i mean JUST like it!!

    sadly, i liked the v6 better HA! the lovely chords, just dont sound quite as lovely with the op amps in there.

    i couldnt help it but i opened the sucker to find 1 4558 chip and 1 741 chip. weird thing was i thought it took two dual opamp 4558 chips but looks like it has a single opamp as well. (741)

    Ned Flanders

    one 4558 and one 741 is what they have always taken.


    so i replaced the op amps with very high grade chips. the 741 is a single version chip so i put a opa627 in it and a opa2627 (super chip) dual op amp to replace the 4558. let me just say, OMFG!!! i dont know what a really good big muff should sound like but i bet its a bit like this. im going to try and post some clips soon.

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