Home Forums Vintage EHX V5 Big Muff

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  • #102085
    Ned Flanders
    Your new big muff is the opamp version BTW, it doesnt use any transistors. One of my favorite versions!

    Man,you can’t give these things away. I’ve been breaking up my muff collection to fund some bigger deal pedals and nobody wants these ones.
    We need a buy & sell forum on here for vintage/old EHX…

    I know!
    On HCFX and TGP the IC muff is one of the worst among a lot of people but in my mind and among some of my friends its one of the best.

    I always said its kinda like a regular muff going thru a crunchy marshall stack, not 100% but it has the same quality.

    Anyways, I love them, I got mine for about !00 bucks last year or the year before (i cant remember) but 100 Bucks is pretty standard for these theses days although you can pay more like $150 and you can definitely pay much less.

    People are missing out by dismissing it out of hand!

    Your new big muff is the opamp version BTW, it doesnt use any transistors. One of my favorite versions!

    Man,you can’t give these things away. I’ve been breaking up my muff collection to fund some bigger deal pedals and nobody wants these ones.
    We need a buy & sell forum on here for vintage/old EHX…

    I know!
    On HCFX and TGP the IC muff is one of the worst among a lot of people but in my mind and among some of my friends its one of the best.

    I always said its kinda like a regular muff going thru a crunchy marshall stack, not 100% but it has the same quality.

    Anyways, I love them, I got mine for about !00 bucks last year or the year before (i cant remember) but 100 Bucks is pretty standard for these theses days although you can pay more like $150 and you can definitely pay much less.

    People are missing out by dismissing it out of hand!

    I guess it is their loss and our gain! Mine isn’t going anywhere, and when it gets true bypassed, it will have a permanent home on my pedal board!

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