Home Forums Help/Technical Questions V256 Vocoder Question

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    Controlling the awesome EHX V256 Vocoder with an Arturia Keystep through MIDI. Trying to adjust the fine tune of the EHX to match my other instruments. After reading the manual, I still don’t know how to adjust Control Change settings. Do I hook up the EHX to a computer? Is it done by changing knobs on the MIDI controller while hooked up to the EHX? No clue how to do any of the Control Change stuff! Thankful for any tips!


    Yes, you’ll need a MIDI device that sends out MIDI CC messages. It could be a DAW on a computer with a MIDI interface or it could be a dedicated MIDI controller that allows for setting MIDI CC numbers to knobs or sliders. Do you have a MIDI device that can send out CC messages?


    Thanks for the reply! Yes I have ableton 9 and i also have a new arturia keystep to control the vocoder.I’m guessing the keystep is the best way to do the control change?


    I’m not too familiar with the Keystep but most likely you’ll want to use it for sending the MIDI CC message to the V256. Check pages 63-65 of the Keystep manual for setting up MIDI CC. I’m not sure if it would be better to use the Mod Strip or the HOLD button on the Keystep.

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