Home Forums Help/Technical Questions V256 Vocoder. Is it possible to make vocal effect clean, if you have overdrive/distortion on a amp?

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    Sorry my bad English. Is it possible to have a clean Reflex-tune vocal blended with an overdrived amp? so i can play example metal with my guitar and have vocal with reflex tune? i haven tried everything, but when my vocal blends from a mixer with my guitar from an overdriven amp, my vocal becomes overdriven. with clean guitar everything works fine.

    The EH Man

    If the guitar signal going into the V256 is overdriven, then the output will be as well. You could split your input signal so a clean signal goes into the V256.


    Will it work if i have my vocoder in the effect loop?


    if you’re mixing a dirty guitar sound and reflex tune, the dirty guitar shouldn’t make the reflex tune dirty. can you describe you set up?


    Well Yeah.


    Boss Digital Delay
    Boss Super Overdrive
    Standard Crybaby Wah.
    And of course my V256
    For now i only use a Roland Cube 60 for practise, but im going for a Randall RT100 Amplifter



    what’s your mixer set up, is it all going into the same amp?


    yeah for now. i know that if you have distortion on your amp then it will distort your delay, is it the same with the vocoder?


    yes, if your amp is distorting, then everything going into will distort. you could use the distortion from you pedal, and set the amp clean.

    if you need your amp to be dirty, then you need to send the vocal out to something else, like a PA


    Okay Thanks :)

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