Home Forums Help/Technical Questions V1 (Triangle) Muff currently at $1,805.00 on e bay UK..4hrs to go

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  • #81159
    The EH Man

    That’s a very early unit. Like he says in the auction: it’s on perfboard, FUZZ instead of SUSTAIN, and no ON/OFF slide switch.
    Still, that’s a buttload of money for something you could build for less than $50.


    I’ll post the final price..He is also currently selling a lot of rare Muffs.

    One of them is the Big Muff Triangle 1972 FS37000 PNP Trannies ..he’s decribing that version as rare and desirable/collectable
    I have one of those, didn’t think it was particularly special for being PNP. ?


    The EH Man

    There’s not as many PNP versions as there are NPN but I’ve never heard any difference in them when I’ve had them for repair.

    The EH Man

    How about giving me $20,000 for my EH collection?


    Well, i hope you’re sat down, of 30 bidders the final price was $2,699.00 ( £!,750.00 GBP)

    Hope he included a battery at that price ?

    The EH Man

    For that price I’d want it hand delivered.
    Just shows what hype can do. I’m betting the buyer got caught up in the bidding and is going to regret it later.

    For that price I’d want it hand delivered.

    by Mike Matthews, closely followed by a bus of 72 virgins.

    Ned Flanders

    HAHA, another mojo sucker strikes! And of course, all his forum reviews will say “its the best muff in the world” as you’d expect nothing less paying that much for a pedal I can modify any existing muff into for $5.

    Mr Dreadful

    I bet the buyer was some rich, balding lawyer type who thinks he can cling on to his rockin’ youth by purchasing expensive vintage gear… which is only actually that expensive because it keeps getting bought by rich, balding lawyer types.

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