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  • #79555

    ok i bid on and won a V1 Small Stone, for just $20!!

    they sed it wasn’t working, but hell for that price ill take it, and im sure i can fix it.

    i got it in last night and opened it and looked the unit over, all wires looked to be in the proper place and unmodified, and i didn’t see any other problems like burnt out parts or bad solder joints, so i went ahead and hooked it up.

    well on first impression i thought it worked fine with no problems!! and it sounds great!!

    after a couple minutes i realized that the footswitch is a little faulty. when turning the unit on 1 out of 5 times it just mutes my signal instead of going into effect mode. it will correct itself if i jiggle it a bit then the effected signal will kick in. otherwise it has no issues going back into bypass.

    still that’s the only problem with it so that’s just an easy 5 minute fix!


    i have a new DPDT footswitch sitting here (with 6 connections). can i use that sum how to replace the original? (original has 4)

    i know i need one with 9 connections for a true bypass mod (witch i dont need to have), is there any way to make this switch (the 6 lug one) work with my unit before i order more parts?

    and also when i have the color switch in the up position there is a slight fuzz sound on the low end of the sweep, is this normal, or come with age? otherwise its not bad and the down position has no fuzz.



    the upper two pictures are what you need.
    you need 3pdt switch just if you want true bypass with a status LED indicator.
    so you can true bypass it with a dpdt switch.


    the fuzz sound you are hearing is probably from an old and dying battery. it happens to my small clone when the battery is dying.


    its not a battery, im using a power supply.

    Ned Flanders

    You don’t need 9 lugs for TB, you only need 5. Or 6 with grounded input providing you dont have an LED.

    I highly recommend grounding the input or it will likely oscillate very badly in TB mode when the color switch is up.

    You can use the DPDT switch you have to do this.

    All them TB diagrams above posted are inferior to the grounded input method and wont be much good for a smallstone.

    Wire the switch like this, it covers the standard NON LED and LED versions:

    http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af286/fenderamerica/Pedal Schematics/SWITCH.jpg


    thanks for the pic Liberty Belle, i will use that diagram or i am seriously considering buying a direct Carling replacement for it. (to keep it original as possible) plus if i ever sell it (which i wont unless i get another V1 SS in better condition) i want it original, and i will still keep the old switch and offer it with the item.

    now do you have an opinion to the fuzz issue on the low end of the sweep? when the color switch is in the up position?

    Ned Flanders

    No not really but I’m sure Ron may have.

    now do you have an opinion to the fuzz issue on the low end of the sweep? when the color switch is in the up position?

    Try cleaning the slider switch. Take it out, pull the tabs open gently and use contact cleaner on the metal parts inside (careful, it’s fiddly). It might not be the problem, but I’ve heard distortion due to dirty/bad connections in those switches and it’s a 5 min and free fix. You’ve lost nothing if it doesn’t work.

    But $20? you lucky lucky lucky … very good score.


    omg…i decided to do the mod and use the 6 lug switch i got and fallow the diagrams given to me here but, i dont understand how to do it still, all diagrams tell me to wire effect in and out here or there but bouth of those are going to the color switch what now!!!

    can anyone help me!!! be a little more specific to this pedal?


    ok never mind…..what i was really looking for was a way to wire a DPDT switch as a SPST, and i found it online, its done and working for now.

    but….this is only a temporary fix so i can use it for now until i get an original replacement switch for it, im all ready eying a couple on Ebay!

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