Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Using the Superego effects loop!

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    I’m a bassist with a ‘large’ pedal board. I’m currently using several EHX pedals such as the Freeze, Micro Pog, Stereo Pulsar and Holy Grail. I want to change up some pedals to “expand” my sounds and move these to my alternate backup board!

    I’m thinking of adding the POG 2, Superego and Big Muff Nano Pi and have questions about the order. I hear the POG likes to have a ‘clean’ signal and I’ve used my MP after my fuzz! I like the sounds Bill R has for the SE- (Angelic Pads and Orchestron) settings.

    My current pedal order is: Volume, Tuner, Comp. Fuzz, Chorus, Tremolo, EQ Devices Arpanoid, Env Filter, Reverb, and Delay. I had used the Pulsar and Micro Pog after the filter and before the reverb and delay pedals as they are best last in the chain!

    My concern is the order I would place the new pedals in utilizing the Superego effects loop in the way Bill does! Will my chorus and other effects still be heard “independent” of the Superego when not on and when those pedals are in the SE effects loop?

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