Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Using Bass Big Muff Deluxe as DI box

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    hi guys, I have a question, sorry if it has already been asked

    I would like to use the Bass Big Muff Deluxe as a DI box to run it into a soundboard with PA for live gigs,
    I dont have an amp or head or any other pedal (no eq effects nor any other, just the BBMDeluxe) I would like to know if the BBMDeluxe would do the trick and allow me to sound live, if so, what about Low, Mid and Treble settings not present in the pedal, can those be set in the soundboard? Can I run the BBMDeluxe straight into PA or I will always need a soundboard?

    Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance!


    It does not have a cabinet simulator so the distortion may be buzzy or bright going direct to a PA.

    It does not have a cabinet simulator so the distortion may be buzzy or bright going direct to a PA.

    Thanks for your kind response


    The Battalion, the Bass Metaphors, and the Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi, can all be used as a DI box and go directly into the mixer. None of them have cabinet simulation, but they all have tone controls that should let you control the harshness or “naturalness” of the sound. In particular, the Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi has both a Tone control that only applies to the distortion channel which you can blend in, and a crossover circuit that allows you to control the tone of the non-distorted signal.

    So, you would set it up by first getting a good sound for your undistorted signal using the crossover circuit. After you’ve got it sound good clean, kick in the distortion and use the Blend and Tone knobs to get a good distortion that isn’t too bright and harsh. Then, the sound guy might be able to smooth it out even more for you. You should be fine.

    I think cabinet simulation is more important for guitar than for bass. If the amp/cab is essential to your sound, you’re better off micing it anyway. MANY excellent bass recordings have been done with the bass going straight into the mixer since before DI boxes had cabinet sims in them. James Jamerson made many recordings going straight into the mixing board through the DI box, which was also a famous secret weapon of that studio by the way.

    What’s Going On – Isolated Bass Track (James Jamerson)


    @gvelasco this is terrific news, hadnt thought about using the clean crossover function to get the desired clean sound and then kicking in the fuzz, thanks for your comment!

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