Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Using a Nektar NXP expression pedal with the EHX Super Pulsar

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    I received my Nektar NXP expression pedal to use with the Super Pulsar. The NXP comes with a cable with a TRS jack.
    Problem is :
    1. I have never used an expression pedal before.
    2. The Nektar NXP came with NO manual, and there is no NXP manual on the web ….

    Maybe somebody can help me:
    The NXP has what I believe is a [strong]polarity switch[/strong] underneath with position “1” and position “2”, and no other information is provided…
    What is the difference between position “1” and position “2” ?
    And what position should I use with the Super pulsar ?

    The NXP has also a round knob which I suppose is a “[strong]sensitivity pot[/strong]”. What adjustment (if necessary) should I do with it ?

    Thanks !!! :)


    Ok, after surfing several forums, I found out what those controls do :
    — the switch positions inverse the jack polarity.
    — the rounded grey knob sets the minimum level for modulation.

    Maybe this could be obvious to some, but having never used an expr. pedal before, I was wondering..


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