Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Used C9 with no wet output:

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    I purchased a C9 and a Mel9 from different online sellers last week, used ([em]neither came with the EHX power supply[/em]). Upon arrival the Mel9 works as I expect a new unit would, straight off the Quality Control desk, with my current power supply and chain.

    The C9, using the same power supply, same cables, does not function properly:
    – Dry out works ([em]as it should[/em])
    – Wet signal passes guitar with the pedal switched off ([em]as it should[/em])
    Wet signal[strong] is silent[/strong], with the pedal switched on, over full dry and wet volume ranges ([em]therein lies the problem[/em])

    The power supply functions well with all of my pedals ([em]EHX neos, Marshall Guv’nor, polytune/HOF, etc[/em]). I recognize they are not the same creature – the Mel9 is, however, and works fine with it. All other components in the chain have been tested and function normally.

    Before I take the step to request a return, my questions are: Do the C9 and the Mel9 have different power supply needs that would necessitate different supplies? Or would it seem that the C9 output issue is not related to power? Or are there any user-friendly maintenance items within, that could be easily looked at?

    NOTE: As I sit here and ponder, I realize I did NOT test it with batteries. Is that a factor to consider? So one more question: if the pedal has such specific power needs, are there specific batteries that need to be used?


    I am really sorry!
    No the C9 sounds defective AND both units should have come with a powers supply wrapped up in the box.
    Please return these. That is terrible as it never left the factory that way.
    We use a regulated that must supply 200mA. Small supplies will not work as it draws at min 150mA.
    Sorry for your trouble. Please return.

    If you need service please contact


    They were not listed as including the supplies, so I assume the original owners kept them. I will contact and see if I can return but I assume this is “buyer beware” territory.

    I will try a beefier power supply first, before I venture down that road.

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