Home Forums Vintage EHX U.S to UK Vintage Clone Theory

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  • #80782


    Could you help with the following.

    Ive recently bought an old Clone Theory in the U.S and bought a AC converter
    (input 240 V – 50HZ input)
    (output 120 v -45 w) which I hope is the right one. However every time I try to use the pedal
    it trips the electricity in the house.

    Would appreciate it if anyone has any advice.



    Your house supplies 240v? and how does the electricity ‘trip’¿

    Your house supplies 240v? and how does the electricity ‘trip’¿

    yup, 240v mains here in the UK (and Europe, well it’s actually nearer 230v these days because of European standards, but anyway…) when he says ‘trips’ he means at the fuse box the mains power on/off switch turns itself to off (as a safety measure)

    I use a simple cheap plug in adapter/converter with the same ratings and never had this problem, the only thing I can suggest is that either the converter is faulty or something in the pedal isn’t right.. when you say you bought it in the US did you try it out over there or buy it on ebay? I was just wondering if you knew for a fact that there was nothing wrong with the pedal.

    mine looks like this thing here


    and it’s been fine with the couple of US pedals I have.


    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Yes the converter you mention is the same one I bought. I bought the pedal off ebay and have never actually seen it work.
    Im inclined now to think it could be a problem with the pedal itself. Will have a look around for someone to fix.

    Thanks again for the reply

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Yes the converter you mention is the same one I bought. I bought the pedal off ebay and have never actually seen it work.
    Im inclined now to think it could be a problem with the pedal itself. Will have a look around for someone to fix.

    Thanks again for the reply

    it could be something simple like a damaged cable, but I would get someone to check it over because it could be dangerous if it’s tripping your mains out.


    this guy here is in the UK and very reasonable, he might be able to help you out.

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