Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Tube pedals: light out means bad tube?

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    I have a Tube EQ that’s not working. I noticed one of the led lamps that light the tubes is lit and one isn’t. Does that mean the tube is bad? Or is there another problem causing the led to not light?


    No one has had a tube go out on them?


    I have a Hot Tubes and an English Muff’n. The Muff’n doesn’t light up at all but the HT does. As far as I know the LED are purely for effect and have no impact on the tubes. The tubes should actually glow themselves! Usually you can tell when a tube is out by a few simple tests (google it!). What issues are you having with the pedal? If it was the tubes the pedal would probably work but just sound like crap. If the pedal won’t power on or make any sound then it could be something else.

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