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    I purchased my Tube EQ new last July. It has worked perfectly until two weeks ago when I noticed a steady hum through the amp, but only when the unit is “on” (foot button pressed), not in standby. Absolutely everything is as it was before the noise started (same amp, guitar, cables, surge protector power bar. I read one posting about adjusting the position of PSU connectors inside the pedal, but I don’t want to try that. Before the trouble and expense of returning it to EHX, does anyone have a suggested fix?


    I would not open it as its very easy to short out the high voltage capacitors and kill the unit.
    I would contact service at info@ehx.com
    First remove it from the chain and go straight into the amp to make sure its the unit.
    ALSO make sure the tube eq is plugged into the same ac outlet the amp is.
    It could be a ground loop.


    Thanks for your response. I certainly won’t be opening it. The noise/hum is present only when the TubeEQ is active (not in bypass or with it out of the chain). The amp and PSU are plugged into to the same powerbar/AC outlet. Would you please resend the service URL. I can’t see it even with JavaScript enabled.

    Thanks again,


    info at ehx dot com
    Hope that helps.
    Not sure why I can not post a link to our own company!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks very much. I will follow-up here with the outcome.



    Did you manage to resolve the issue? Thanks in advance!!


    Are you having the same issue?

    I sent mine to EHX and it was returned with the comment that it was performing within spec. I tried various things and what seemed to help was having the guitar as far from the TubeEQ as possible, which makes adjustments a little awkward.

    I hoped the TubeEQ would improve the tone of my Ibanez Atcore F105NT and Fender Jazz King combination, both of which have favorable reviews on the net, but don’t give me the warm jazz tone I am looking for. I can’t blame the EQ, but as it didn’t magically resolve my tone search, it sits in its box on a shelf. (I might add that it didn’t improve the tone of my Strat through that amp or two other solid state amps I have.)

    After a lot of searching, I’ve decided that I need to get a widely recognized amp for Jazz (possibly a Fender Princeton Reverb tube or Quilter 200 solid state) and then work on the guitar part of the equation.

    Sorry for the long reply….just want to provide context.

    Are you having the same issue?

    I sent mine to EHX and it was returned with the comment that it was performing within spec. I tried various things and what seemed to help was having the guitar as far from the TubeEQ as possible, which makes adjustments a little awkward.

    I hoped the TubeEQ would improve the tone of my Ibanez Atcore F105NT and Fender Jazz King combination, both of which have favorable reviews on the net, but don’t give me the warm jazz tone I am looking for. I can’t blame the EQ, but as it didn’t magically resolve my tone search, it sits in its box on a shelf. (I might add that it didn’t improve the tone of my Strat through that amp or two other solid state amps I have.)

    After a lot of searching, I’ve decided that I need to get a widely recognized amp for Jazz (possibly a Fender Princeton Reverb tube or Quilter 200 solid state) and then work on the guitar part of the equation.

    Sorry for the long reply….just want to provide context.

    Thanks for the reply, and the context is always necessary!

    I don t have the tubeEQ, but I have the wiggler which is a very similar design and I am facing similar issues.

    In my case, things improved a lot when I tightened all the screws, especially the middle one in between the two tubes. Try untightening the screws before tightening because metal oxide can form there and it inhibits good contact between parts. I also removed the washers from the knobs, mine had gotten a bit corroded and i think it improved the buzzing a bit.

    I am going to replace some cables inside with shielded ones and I ll report if that makes a difference (although i don t have enough time until the end of August)

    I absolutely LOVE the wiggler and what it does to my sound, it s a shame that there is this noise because it’s one of a kind. I wanted to buy the black finger as well but first I have to see if there is a solution.

    Again, the most important tip is the middle screw!


    I want to thank you for your suggestion. I really wasn’t optimistic so I procrastinated but today I tightened the screws between the tubes (one on top of the case, the other inside). The inside screw tightening made a significant improvement, especially if the selector switch beside the guitar input on the Jazz King is in the “-10deb” position (the Jazz King has one input with the selector rather than high and low inputs).

    I was really thinking I would just sell the thing. Now I think it has made my SS amp sound a lot better and I don’t feel the urgency to buy a different amp. It surprises me that EHX said it was within spec. They must not have tried the screw trick!

    Thanks again!


    My tube EQ also has ground loop hum like low frequency noise from the beginning & it’s so obvious. While guitar sound is sustaining, may be no noise or I can’t feel the noise but as soon as guitar sound stop, the noise coming out. It’s from Frequency knob. Noise going to be almost unnoticeable if I turned the knob more than 12 noon. Noise get so obvious as I turn the Frequency knob to before noon (sound gets bassy). No noise at all when it’s bypassed. I use same AC power source for my mixer, amp & this tube EQ.

    Live music with noisy venues may be OK but I can’t use this device for professional recording studio or Theater music in the pit situation which often require us to be dead quiet while actors playing without music.

    I like this EQ but it’s yet consumer product level, not a professional one.

    I found a following trick & noise problem got much better after a few try, but still silent hum noise exist though.

    < The problem is, that the tubes are not shielded against the electromagnetic interference of the tubes.
    So I opened the pedal, took a piece of self adhesive aluminium foil, and placed it between the power supply jack and the tubes. Make sure that the foil is not touching the wires so it can’t conduct (use another layer of paper, to be sure). And that’s it, all noise is gone.

    As this hiss/hum seems to be a general issue with the Tube EQ, I can’t understand how EHX does not fix this bug in future pedals.

    Now I am totally happy with my Tube EQ, no noise/his/hum anymore. It’s an amazing pedal that does sooooo much to your guitar’s tone. I never expected that would make such a big difference.

    Hope that helps:)


    Fiesta, that’s EXTREMELY useful information which all Tube EQ owners should have.

    Unfortunately for me, I sold mine about 6 months ago as I still found the hum to be intrusive and lost interest in the product. It was the only pedal I have purchased and I don’t know if I would try another one. In the meantime I have discovered products like Amplitube that work very well. Even the free version provides a decent variety of pedal effects with no noise. As I use it only for practice and informal recording, it is all I need.

    Thanks very much.

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