Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Try to connect a Quneo control surface with my 45000 EHX multi track looper

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    Hello Electro Harmonix community,
    I’m looking forward to get infos concerning the Midi connections between the EHX and Quneo control surface.
    I got a midi Expander box from Keith Mc Millen wich transfer usb to midi signal.
    It doesn’t work. I can’t program it and it seems that the EHX doesn’t get any midi signal.
    I pressed the “Mix button until” I selected the 4 leds ON = Midi channel 16.
    How does it work?
    I tried with other midi gear and nothing happenend either.
    For example, I connected via midi out from EHX connected to Midi IN from Kaosspad 3 connected to a computer to read Midi messages… Nothing appears!! If I press
    May some people help me?
    Many thanks in advance


    Can you connect the MIDI Out from the 45000 directly to your computer to monitor the MIDI messages being sent out by the 45000? Just to ensure that MIDI is working correctly out of the 45000? Set EXT CLOCK to off on the 45000 and then it will constantly send MIDI Clock messages out.


    Thank you very much for your fast answer…
    I also tried to connect the 45000 EHX Midi out to my computer via my motu sound card into logic and no signal appears even with EXT CLOCK set to off (no light).
    I just have the feeling the Midi module of my EHX is not sending or receving any message.
    That’s a real pity :-(
    Thanks anyway for your help.
    p.s: Just for information, the Quneo is sending a Midi message. so it doesn’t come from the Keith Mc Millen unit


    It does sound like the 45000’s MIDI OUT is not working. If it still under warranty we will fix it for you. Where are you located?


    Hahaha… I’m living in South of France… Montpellier.
    I got the 45000 from Thomann in Germany and I think it is running still under warranty
    I hope… :-)
    I have to control it.
    Best regards in any case and thanks for your help

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