Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Trouble importing tracks into 45000 Looper

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    Just got my 45000 and so far, I love it! However, I am running into a bit of difficulty importing tracks. I am following the instructions to a T, but when I insert the SD card back into the 45000 and attempt to play the imported tracks, there is seemingly no audio to be played. It’s just blank.

    – The tracks are exactly the same length
    – They are the correct resolution and sample rate
    – I adjusted the Tempo text to match the tempo of the new WAVs
    – I left the ‘Tempo POT’ value blank

    I mean, the steps are pretty straight forward… I don’t know what I’m missing… please help!


    Nevermind, figured it out!

    They need to be mono! (except for the stereo mix down track)

    I guess I should have realized that, but a reminder in the manual would’ve helped ;)

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