Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Too much volume boost with the POG 2

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    Using the POG2. Have a song where I bypass the POG2 for various sections. Problem is that when the POG is in use the volume is boosted a lot – a whole lot more than on bypass. Is there anyway to control this as this is no ‘master’ volume or anything on the POG. It’s reasonable to assume that when adding multiple octaves to the ‘dry’ signal that the level is going to increase but it just seems like too much. Is there anything I might be missing?



    try to use less volume on each octave and on the original octave. that should solve it.


    Hummm. I just tried one out and noticed the same volume bump!

    Anyone else tried the workaround using the the volumes on octaves and dry signal as mentioned above???

    Awesome pedal… is next on my list…


    don’t put the sliders full on. if you’re using 2 different octaves mix them 50%/50%, or 33%/33%/33% and so on, depending the number of octaves you’ll blend. from there, you can put more/less from each octave to accentuate them.


    I thought it kind of added to the bad ass factor.

    I do notice this as well with my POG 2.

    I just move all the sliders down a little bit including the dry signal.

    also some of the dry fx can add to the volume.


    The big problem with mixing all the octaves and dry signal down, is that it’s a huge hassle to re-order what might be a lot of user presets. Especially if you’ve got them just right.
    Just sayin….

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