Home Forums Vintage EHX “Tone Bypass” V3 Big Muff?

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    got one of these myself, but the 3003 board is a newer version. pot codes are dated ’79. 3003 appears on the board, but not written in solder like early versions, instead it is embedded in the board like each of the circiut runs. knobs are not the flat top variety. original white box calls it a model 3003. i conclude it’s a ’79 model, but original owner said it was from ’77-’78. i’m confused…

    got one of these myself, but the 3003 board is a newer version. pot codes are dated ’79. 3003 appears on the board, but not written in solder like early versions, instead it is embedded in the board like each of the circiut runs. knobs are not the flat top variety. original white box calls it a model 3003. i conclude it’s a ’79 model, but original owner said it was from ’77-’78. i’m confused…

    What you are describing sounds like a V6, not a V3. Does it have the small circuit board like the ones pictured here?

    If so, that’s not what I am referring to. The V3 tone bypass circuit looks like the ones I posted earlier in this thread, which are practically identical to the V3. Also, FYI, if those are the original pots, 1979 just means it was not made any earlier than that, but it could have been made a year or more later. I have a V6 with ’79 pots.

    Ned Flanders

    EDIT: after looking at a heap of v2-3 pics I cant tell what this is, PNP or NPN as I have pics of both NPN and PNP with same and different pinouts and electro orientations. LOL


    When I get my hands on one I’ll let you know. Still trying to get one of these guys to let me have one. I just got a V7 Sovtek green with that odd T shaped board, by the way. I’ll snap some decent pix of the components.


    Just an update to this thread. After seeing a few more of these odd tone bypass V3s, which all appeared to have identical circuit components and values. After getting to examine a few, I have concluded this is a legit V3. Most pots are dated ’79, though at least one person told me he bought his in late ’77 or ’78. Transistors are odd. NPN MPSA18, not 2N5087. I have never seen those in a Big Muff before, but they were used in other pedals. All but one had the hockey puck V5/V6 knobs. One had old V2/V3 Daka Ware knobs and 78 pots. All have the old V2/V3 board, but component values in these different than most of the V3s I own or have seen. Sounds really loud, hairy and gritty, much more than any early V3, but similar to a couple of later V6 Muffs I own. Very mean and dirty sound. I like it.

    Base on this and a few other bits of info I have learned from owners and sellers in the past year, I have concluded that what Howard David thought was true – the V3 never actually went out of production during the short time the V4/V5 Muffs were made.

    Pix are really big, so you may have to drag them to your desktop to view.


    Those MPSA18s are odd, never seen those either — looks like they’re equivalent to 2N5088 though.
    2N5087 is PNP — I’ve seen those in a few Ram’s Head muffs and they sounded great.


    We thought these were 2N5087 before because of the direction they face, like the A18s. I have to correct myself. I have seen a Muff with MPSA18 tranys before, but only once. A V6. I guess EHX had a batch in 78 or 79 for these V3s.

    What is more interesting is that EHX had transistor V3 BMPs, as well as V4 and V5 op-amp BMPs, all apparently on the market simultaneously.


    Hi i’ve one of these big muff take a look on pic !!


    more pic for you ! This big muff sound very good !!! does its special big muff?? how much in value ? Thanks


    Seems to be rare !!


    More pic…


    The value is whatever someone is willing to pay you for it. I don’t know if people would consider it any more valuable than any other V3, and the circuit itself sound similar to other V3s from this time. It’s more of an oddity that anything else. I don’t think production of these lasted very long, but they seem to have been made just prior to the IC versions 5 and 6. The circuit board was the shrunk down for the V6 version


    Yeah I understand what you said but if it is RARE and a few hundred was made maybe it is more valuable then the other V3 big muff … I think people don’t know them and this is why they are not more valuable . I have one on ebay now and I just ask $500 usd . I think it is resonable because it sound great and I never seen one on ebay yet . It sound really good !!! Let me know . Thanks


    Does anybody can answer me please ?? I got one on ebay to sell . Thanks

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