Home Forums The Lounge Tokai Analog Delay

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  • #79155

    Since I got my Memory Toy I’ve not had the need for another delay, never mind an analog one, so I’m looking to get rid of one that’s been kicking about my collection for a while. Trouble is I can’t find any info on this particular pedal:
    Does anyone out there know what these things usually go for?
    Answers on a postcard ;)


    I don’t know anything about that exact model, but all those Japanese made 80’s pedals (which I presume it is) are fetching quite a good prices on ebay these days. I would probably guess at £50-£70.. but that’s only a guess.

    Kevin Demuth

    the Tokai series 1 pedals (the black ones) are the ones that collectors seem to prefer.
    the series 2 don’t tend to sell for so much; £30-40 is the usual from what i’ve seen.
    there have been a couple of these delays on ebay UK recently, one (in not very good condition) went for £27, another (in great condition and boxed) went for £38.

    probably not the sort of prices you were hoping for.

    what kind of condition is yours in?

    PM me if you like with a photo (if possible), and i may be interested in taking it off your hands. :thumb:
    (i have a few other 80s, MIJ analogue delays and am kind of interested in how this one compares.)

    all the buyers go around $100,000 (just tryin to help ya out man)

    Hahaha maybe FriedJesseRadio!

    Thanks guys,
    I’ll try and get some photos up, its in a very used condition, works as good as new but looks worn as hell.

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