Home Forums The Lounge titano custom 314

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    ok so my uncle said his book tells him that the titano amps range from $550-$1275. im really excited about this one. i have a titano that my other uncle just gave me 3 years ago. the closest thing to what i have is this http://craigslistvintageguitarhunt.blogspot.com/2009/09/titano-magnatone-413-tube-amp-in.html now my uncle said the 313 (this is a 314 so im guessing they might be related) goes for $550-$675 by the book and i would love to have that. in his book, the model makes are 262 , 313 and 415. mine is a 314. its not in too good of a condition but it sounds ok. the vibrato doesnt work but im guessing again that it would work if i replaced the tubes.




    The EH Man

    Hold this until FenderEHX4Ever contacts you. He’s been jonesing for a Magnatone since trying my 260.


    holy shee!!! thanks dude


    and give him a good price because he’s a forum buddy ;)

    Magnatones are awesome.

    I’d think the higher priced titanos would be the stereo ones. Unfortunately this one is mono :(


    eh. forum buddy or not, my pockets need to be filled. just kiddin. we dont even know if he really wants it or not but im fine either way

    The EH Man

    Give him 24 hour dibs unless he contacts you and says no.

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