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    I had an EHX Wiggler a little while back which ultimately I had to move on because although it sounded great it had too many impracticalities: noisy switching, general background noise, huge footprint and unwieldy psu connector.

    It would be great to see a trimmed down pedal with the noise and ergonomic issues addressed, like they’ve done with the Worm.

    Anyone agree/disagree?


    If you look inside the Wiggler, the guts are already crammed in there without any room to spare. I can’t imagine how they would fit all of it into a smaller enclosure. IMO, it wouldn’t be a Wiggler any more if you removed the tubes. And if you keep the tubes, you gotta keep the toroidal transformer and the wall wart.

    The only design difference I would make is to mount the power jack somewhere other than the side. I might have placed it on the top-side by the jacks, or even the top/corner-face of the pedal just above the knobs.


    I agree. Might as well make a univibe lol!

    i was lookin at the pulsar for its many different wave options and other things, what do you guys think would be better?

    Both are excellent! And each one has its own strengths.

    XO Pulsar:
    stereo panning
    continuous adjustment of the ramping of the wave form
    a switch to change between two waveforms – sawtooth and square
    glassy smooth tone

    tubes that aren’t just a gimmick, it really has a grainy warm tone
    LOOZ setting, which is a very phasey setting reminiscent of a Univibe
    WURL and HAMM settings, which have a very subtle hint of pitch shifted vibrato
    ACEY setting for a very choppy sounding trem
    A level knob!


    Having tried the Pulsar recently I’m actually very tempted by one too. I particularly like the ramping control.

    I wonder though, does anyone ever use the hyper-fast, robot mosquito sounding speed settings on trem pedals? Seems like all the useable sounds for me on this pedal would be in the first quarter of the rate sweep.

    Anyway, that’s just down to personal taste I guess.

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