Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ticking Sound

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  • #79903

    I have customized a guitar by carving out cavities to hold a 9v battery in one cavity and a nano small stone in the other cavity.

    I removed and rewired the:
    color switch

    My problem is a ticking noise.

    I’ve purchased 3 nano small stones, the first one ticked.
    The second one I screwed up with too hot of a soldering iron!!
    The third is the one I just installed and it also ticks.

    I thought maybe I messed up the first one and so wanted to start over and I still have the ticking noise.

    The ticking rate is totally related to the movement of the pot.

    Does anyone know why it would be ticking and what I can do to keep the sound clear.

    Other that the ticking (which you really only hear when you haven’t plucked a string) it sounds and works great.

    I’ve attached a couple of photos to help visualize what I did.

    Thanks and blessings, Daniel


    ok, so I had to post again to post the front pic

    bill ruppert

    The board is probably to close to the magnetic guitar pick up.
    Its picking up clock noise from the circuit board.

    Or its sneaking in via the grounding.

    Thats my guess.


    I was successful in installing a nano memory toy in another guitar with no extra noise at all.

    But on this one I really only rewired the input/output.

    The board is probably to close to the magnetic guitar pick up.
    Its picking up clock noise from the circuit board.

    Or its sneaking in via the grounding.

    Thats my guess.

    Bill, thank you for your reply.

    If the ticking came from the pickup, then I don’t understand why the rate of ticking can be changed by moving the pot??

    I admit I’m in over my head on this stuff!!



    put simply, the ticking is the pickups interpretation of the phaser rate, so when you turn the rate knob of course it will adjust the ticking from slower to faster, same as it does for the phase rate you want it to do……if that makes any cents.

    put simply, the ticking is the pickups interpretation of the phaser rate, so when you turn the rate knob of course it will adjust the ticking from slower to faster, same as it does for the phase rate you want it to do……if that makes any cents.

    That makes sense, but…

    Like I said, I’m in over my head.

    I have 2 guitars that I’ve installed EHX pedals.

    the ticking one has 3 single coil pickups and the small stone pedal

    the not-ticking one has 2 humbuckers and the memory toy pedal

    Is it not ticking on the memory toy because of the nature of the differences between the pedals or the pickups??



    its most likely a bit of both the pickups and the effect.

    my first recommendation would be to place the effect unit in the guitar farther away, but unfortunately in your situation that don’t seem like an option as you already have it installed.

    so second would be…..shield the hell out of it!! buy copper shielding tape, the thicker the better. and put 2 layers in all cavities (each pickup, control’s, and effect. and also remember to do the same on the cavity covers as well.

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