Home Forums The Lounge Those damn mp3s

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  • #81255

    hello all, i have a non-ehx question for you… i recently had some problems with my external hard disk and i had to recover alot of data (approx. 230Gb of music in mp3 and wma format)… thank jebus that the recovery was succesful but my folders are all gone and all i have now is files with correct IDtags(artist/track/album etc) but with lame names such as FILE00937.mp3… any idea (other than doing it manually…) on how i could rename and rearrange the files into folders according to artist and then album???

    somebody told me there is a software that reads the tag info and does what i want but i ve been googling for almost an hour and couldnt find anything… so please help out… its the entirety of my music collection in there…

    The EH Man

    MP3Tag can take the tag and create a filename from it.


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