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    Hello everybody,

    I purchased this Vocoder a few days ago and I love it!

    I use it all the time…and I’m going to bring it to my school and show all my music friends. I can’t wait!

    Before I do, I have a few questions to ask. Don’t forget that I’m a newbie here, so I’m still exploring different effect pedals and different ways to use them. Anybody who has a vocoder or pedal box should be able to help me.

    First off, am I allowed to stand the Vocoder upright? Or should I keep it flat on the ground? I don’t want to break the mechanics inside!

    Staying on the topic of instrument care, I want to know how sturdy the V256 is. I accidentally ripped the storage box apart, so I keep the Vocoder in my dresser drawer along with my dynamic microphone and some other cables. As a result, the equipment will move around quite frequently. Is this harmful for the V256? I also want to know how well it can survive in the cold winter weather down in my basement. Where I live, metal boxes often freeze overnight and the V256 Vocoder is metal! This scares me a bit. :worried:

    Now I have some simple question on connections:

    I took me a while to get the V256 working because I didn’t know that I had to use the XLR cable output in order to hear the effects. For my setup, I have a dynamic mic (using XLR) running through the mic input and a Synth (using 1/4″ cable) running into the instrument input. The only cable I use on the output end is a Female XLR to Male 1/4” cable that connects the V256 to my Mini-Amp.

    Now that you know my input/output setup, I can ask my big question: Instead of using my Voice to Vocode my Synth, I want to use my MacBook to Vocode my Synth. No microphone is needed for this setup and the output system stays the same. I do have the adapter that will connect my MacBook to the 1/4″ instrument cable, but I do not have an adapter to connect it to an XRL cable. Will using a male 1/4″ to male XLR cable work as an auxiliary microphone? Using the instrument input does nothing, even when my Synth in not connected. Am I doing anything wrong here? You might know an even better method of doing this…then I won’t have to buy a new cable!

    One final thing:

    I’ve posted something very similar on this forum in the Technical/Help section and nobody replied me. I’m hoping that the Lounge section will be a better place to post these things. This post may seem boring to some of you, but I really need to know this stuff before I jump into my life long addiction of Vocoders!

    Thank You

    MusicMan1988 :rawk:


    im jealous. i want a v256 bad!

    well i have asked some questions on temperature affecting pedals and it seems to not affect it at all. i had my bmptw (big muff pi with tone wicker) in a cold room for quite a while (all winter) and put it on the heater when i began to play. while unplugging, the pedal was really warm and that made me wonder if it was bad so i asked and people said no.

    you can have your pedal upside-down, flat, lying vertical or any direction. ehx makes their pedals extremely stable inside and i dont think you would really have to worry about it anyway with others.

    another name for a pedal is a “stompbox” and pedals can take some hits. if you have to turn something on with your foot, you generally dont have to worry about it getting hurt. you can keep your v256 in its box or just leave it laying around.

    as you could have guessed before, i dont have a vocoder so i dont know if the wiring set up would work. you can set it up and see if it works though?

    it looks like your pedal will be safe although just to not have too much to worry about, i wouldnt leave it in the basement where it could freeze

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