Home Forums Help/Technical Questions The Original Mid 70s Crying Tone

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    Although this isn’t a technical question,it does pertain to an E.H. pedal that was well before its time and probably wasn’t given the chance it should have been given,that is the original Crying Tone pedal from the mid 1970s.I had one of these pedals back in the day and I loved it and always used it gigging until one day I swapped it for a rare old Vox Phantom XII that I just couldn’t resist.

    The original Crying Tone pedal captured the tones of the most popular pedals of the day as well as giving the user a couple of cool and truly unique tones as well.Does EHX have an intention of reissuing this fabulous pedal or have they ever even entertained the thought of reissuing it?I would love to see it make another appearance and I’m sure that a lot of other guitarists would too,considering the prices used ones are commanding on E-bay these days-the rare times someone can bear to part with one.

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