Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback The Old Audio Demo’s! Where are they?

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    The Old EHX site had great audio demo’s by John Frusciante, Nick Zinner, Mogwai, Funkadelic and so many more.

    They have completely gone. Also there was one by The Greenhornes on the Pulsar page. Which i really want to hear again!!

    Scott you anything about this?
    Could you put them back up on the site. I miss them, cause they are part of why i love EHX so much!


    I agree. I’ve been missing those as well.


    I want them back.

    Why wouldn’t you have those amazing demo’s? All those great artists. That’s what made me wanna buy a tube zipper and ect…

    I hope Scott can put them back online :)


    Scott? Have you anything to say about this? :)


    It’s on the list — imho, the videos do a much better job of demonstrating the products, so we put the focus on them.

    Regarding audio, I still need to come up with a simple way of making the audio clips available — I lean toward a simple Flash play putton (but that then wouldn’t be a link to the MP3 file). The old site used my Andromeda software (see here) but that isn’t as good a fit for the new site (assuming that the audio clips should be integrated into the product pages)…

    Any thoughts/suggestions?


    There should just be an audio player, with all the sound clips. I’m not sure which one though

    I understand videos do a good job on demonstrating the pedals, but the audio clips are amazing too. J
    ust like it says on the ehx boxes. To hear demos by rock stars go on ehx.com. Those demo’s are the best imo, and i need them back ;)

    Any thoughts/suggestions?

    It would be cool if they were linked to the Artists page somehow: https://www.ehx.com/about/artists


    fwiw, this is actually a rather big job — one nice thing about the old EHX site (the one that preceded the Flash-based site that preceded the one we have up now) was that Andromeda (my MP3 server software) did all the busywork — and, fwiw, the audio clips weren’t on the previous Flash site — so they haven’t been available for close to a year.

    Meaning, with Andromeda, we just made folders and subfolders, and copied the MP3 files in — and Andromeda then automatically turns all of that into a complete site that you can browse and play.

    But now there’s no simple way to get them up — again, I’m totally open to specific suggestions?


    so, is there no way to load the file off andromeda and save to the computer and upload again?

    so, is there no way to load the file off andromeda and save to the computer and upload again?

    oh, I have all the old MP3 files — a few hundred of them, I think — the question is essentially: given a few hundreds audio clips (presently in MP3 format) — and given that we would want to present them via the respective ~50 product pages — how would we manage that?

    Previously, we had the benefit of Andromeda doing all the work — not sure if I’m doing a great job explaining — but taking a collection of a few hundred files, along with all the corresponding meta data (artist, pedal, name, etc.) — and then slicing that all up, and presenting it within the respective product pages — that’s actually a pretty substantial job.

    I love the audio clips too (I started adding them to the site back in about 1999-ish) — but, as I understand it, it’s going to be a fairly major job to get them up within the new site — but perhaps somebody knows of a smart and simple way to go about it.

    See what I’m saying?


    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    mmmmm….I wish I could help, other than creating an EHX soundclick page and linking to that, I have no idea….but that would take hours and hours to do that.


    melx your back.
    This place has been empty for a day or two.

    Yeah we need to figure out the perfect solution. There are probably a couple really good ways, i just don’t know them

    melx your back.
    This place has been empty for a day or two.

    Yeah we need to figure out the perfect solution. There are probably a couple really good ways, i just don’t know them

    lol, I’m back!!!

    nah, I have no idea really….. :(

    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    Right — additionally, it’s potentially two different approaches: 1) use most of the old library, or 2) hand-pick a few that are especially good — and both have a different set of corresponding complications, if you see what I mean.

    fwiw, I like the behavior of the play buttons on this page:

    But you can see that if we have 20 or more clips for a single product (such as the Big Muff) this approach wouldn’t work…

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