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  • #80193

    ok i finally found an easy way to post a pic of the guitars i use that i completely made myself without opening a photobucket type account or resizing my pics, i just posted them on EHX’s facebook page! they dont see face to face with many other players, i keep to myself a bit, so please let me know what you think!




    the neck on the iceman is temporary, until i get the neck i made for it finished, it will be about 2 weeks, it will look similar to an original, 3 left, 3 right tuners but shaped slightly different.


    I typically don’t like those sorts of guitars, but those are gorgeous. Nice job man.


    bro, those are beautiful :thumb:


    cool, BUT THOSE PICKUPS ON THE TELE? i’m sorry, but what are those? Trash-can brand?


    I think the guitars are pretty cool, great shape!

    But I didn’t like the look of the Tele pickups, but hey if they sound great, who cares^^


    thanks for the great feedback!, but ouch about the tele pickup comments!

    the pickups on the tele are from a company called “TOG” (Tricked Out Guitar)

    this set are called “Toastybuckers” because they look like a vintage toaster with the slots and screens in them.

    they were one of there own brand of pickups, even tho i dont see much of there own pickups listed on the site at the moment including these.

    i originally picked them out because i personally thought the look suited the guitar, i didn’t know what they sounded like to be honest. but for just under $50 for the pair i figured i would give them a try, they had good reviews for there own pickups. as apposed to over $200 for the pickups i put on the Iceman. (Seymore Duncan active Blackouts)

    and it turn’s out they sound GREAT! they remind me of a old Gibson LP humbucker.

    i originally didn’t want to pay to much on the tele because i was building it with the intent on selling it, that’s why i built a tele because like sum of you i don’t like tele’s very much so i figured it would be easier for me to part with it, but i don’t have the heart to do it now, i fell in love with it, and find myself playing it more than the Iceman, and that’s my favorite type of guitar!


    Yeah, Iceman’s are cool:) I am curious how it will look with the neck you are making for it!



    Did you build these from scratch? It looks like you just assembled the parts. If you cut out those bodies and painted them then you should start your own company man. I have assembled a couple guitars from parts but have never tried it from scratch. I like the tele though! Did you run into issues with stuff fitting and lining up correctly (neck joint, pickguards, bridges, etc)?

    I took a Behringer Strat and completely removed all parts but the body. I sanded down the top and back to where it was just black around the sides then painted it with transparent green and a wood finish. When I reassembled it I came to the realization the Behringer body was smaller than a strat body so getting the new neck, pickguard, and bridge to fit were a royal pain in the arse. I call it the Crapocaster now. It has a penny wedged between the neck and the body to make the neck straight enough to play lol! It’s funny when you tear apart a shitty guitar how awful the craftsmanship is even on such simple things as cutting the holes for the neck correctly!


    yes actualy i did make them completely! well mostly, the neck was mostly pre-fabricated for me, i just shaped the head stock, did my own inlay, and fit the nut (Fender LSR roller) i didn’t want to deal with the fretwork to be honest, although i can do frets as well. the bridge on the Iceman is also roller saddles on the Wilkinson bridge.(didn’t think you could see that)

    i did make the bodies completely, band saw, router, …ect. the hardest part i think was the binding on the iceman body.

    and no i didn’t have any issues with the fitting on the tele actualy, it all fit togeather perfect like Lego’s. i did run into slight problems with getting the bridge correct on the iceman, but it was an easy fix.

    the pickguards i especially had no issues with, because i custom cut those myself as well, if you look closely you will notice that they are original , not copied shapes from similar guitars.

    the finishes are actualy hand done oil finishes, i put like 20 coats on so it looks identical to a lacquer finish only more stable (IMO), you cant tell from the pics but there all see thrue stained. (you can see the wood grain) i had a hard time finding the color stains i wanted for the wood in the suppliers i normally use, so i actualy used RIT clothing dye, like you get at the supermarket! i just mixed it with denatured alcohol and wiped it on like a normal stain.

    it would be a dream come true to make them for a living but i don’t think that will happen, im happy just making and selling a couple pedals here and there on ebay.
    its hard to sell a guitar for a profit when no one know who you are, but i will do custom builds once in a while on request, built to there liking.


    Great stuff, Grim. And I like the toastybuckers. Good luck to you with making some money with this. Big ups!


    Wow, they look great for making them yourself! Did you paint that?

    I’m a big fan of the Iceman, too. I ordered mine (with double locking Floyd Rose) before the ’93 reissue was released.


    yes i did the finish, but its not paint…lol

    its a hand rubbed oil finish, i prefer oil finishes, they feel great in your hands and its more stable than other finishes IMO, plus i put like 50 coats on them so it looks just like lacquer.

    i got the color by staining the wood before the oil, i had a hard time finding the colors i wanted so… i used RIT clothing dye…lol (like from your grocery or sewing store) i just mixed it with denatured alcohol and rubbed it in!

    John J

    the iceman cometh

    fantastic work. and fwiw, i am in the ‘pro toastybucker’ camp – it is a ‘space-age’ tele.

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