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  • #98491

    A few questions to get closer to the Freezer pedal concept… Are we favouring analog-type grunge sound or digital purity? What time space does the freeze function imply? Do we stay basic or start getting into endless modulations? An integrated effect loop I/O would take care of all possible sound architectures, leaving the pedal relatively basic? Nano, XO or CT (Crying Tone) format? Mono or stereo? Do we aim low price or expensive?

    My views at this point are:
    Analog-type grunge sound – i.e. warm, low definition
    500 ms
    EL I/O
    CT format

    PS. The Crying Tone format would have two foot switches top-mounted forward of the treadle, one for effect on/off and one for treadle on/off, the treadle in on mode would give the player the possibility to go from dry to wet with the sweep of the treadle, choosing any desired mix (ref soloing and further EHX FX waiting down the line), mounted on one side of the CT pedal signal IN, on the other signal OUT, and at the front of the housing FX Loop OUT / IN, further to this, on one side of the CTF pedal housing a 4 frequency range selector knob (to make the Freezer vocal/guitar/keyboard/bass/reed friendly), and on the other side of the CT pedal housing a reverse knob selector switch for inverse sweep on the treadle.

    The Freezer in this form could be sturdy, reliable, straightforward… and classic EHX, selling around the 120 to 150 USD mark, I reckon.

    Your thoughts gratefully received, as always….


    this is a great discussion, i would love a freeze pedal — i use a freeze function in lloopp (max/msp) all the time

    effects loop and dry/wet mix knob are essential to making this a useful pedal (although, i would almost prefer an effect out + dry out over an effects loop)

    when it comes to design, i would think even simpler…

    three elements – bypass switch, simple stomp switch for engaging the freeze, dry/wet mix knob

    if i were to add a forth it would be a filter (low/highpass) knob like that on the smmw/h

    also the freeze should not be long at all – 500ms seems too long – wouldn’t the sound pulse too much at that time? besides you could do that kind of “freezing” with a short loop on a smmw/h – i do that kind of freezing quite a bit to build up drones. i set the delay time in loop mode all the way counter clockwise, engage the shortest loop possible, then raise the delay time to the max. even at this short of a time window, if i don’t fade volume in and out when creating the loop, its not an even drone, it will pulse with the loop length (as the volume/attack changed over the time of recording the loop)


    … the enclosure you prefer would be Nano, XO or CT?

    this is a great discussion, i would love a freeze pedal — i use a freeze function in lloopp (max/msp) all the time

    effects loop and dry/wet mix knob are essential to making this a useful pedal (although, i would almost prefer an effect out + dry out over an effects loop)

    when it comes to design, i would think even simpler…

    three elements – bypass switch, simple stomp switch for engaging the freeze, dry/wet mix knob

    if i were to add a forth it would be a filter (low/highpass) knob like that on the smmw/h

    also the freeze should not be long at all – 500ms seems too long – wouldn’t the sound pulse too much at that time? besides you could do that kind of “freezing” with a short loop on a smmw/h – i do that kind of freezing quite a bit to build up drones. i set the delay time in loop mode all the way counter clockwise, engage the shortest loop possible, then raise the delay time to the max. even at this short of a time window, if i don’t fade volume in and out when creating the loop, its not an even drone, it will pulse with the loop length (as the volume/attack changed over the time of recording the loop)

    We’re talking about the HOG’s freeze function though. 500ms is really short. The HOG you can freeze for as long as you want. Though being able to stomp a switch and get short freeze stutters would be sweet.


    freeze has to be able to be infinite

    an EQ section on it would be great


    The 500 ms I mentioned was the sample time, not the duration of the freeze function which, of course, by definition should be infinite. Longer sample times take us back to looper functions, such as the DMMH has.


    is this freeze function only found on the hog? or are there stand alone freeze pedals out there? seems like money left on the table…


    This is why I needed to hear the sound samples again, funny the confusion.

    What we’re really discussing in “The Freezer” is more like a Sustainer than a Freeze. As it’s matching you tone with a note, that sounds in the Hogs case like an organ.

    There’s another pedal company that made a similar thing happen, although not quite as advanced – as it was 1984. The Feedbacker/Distortion.

    Now as for a Stuttering delay based effect. That’s a whole other story. You can achieve this effect with most delays with a loop function. The Haz does a great job of it. As well as the Dl4.


    Organ sounds are OK for guitar for a fairly limited amount of time. I mean, otherwise guitar players would be playing organs, no? The POG pedals are fantastic because they offer a wider sound spectrum than one organ sound. However I do take your point.

    The Freezer should be handling the true sample of whatever input source is run through the pedal (in true EHX style) so voice, reed, keyboard, bass, guitar etc would be “sampled and sustained” using integrated feedback of the loop with automatic ms fade-in and fade-out to avoid any cutting interference at start and end of the sustained sample. I worked on a similar effect with the sampler unit of my Korg DSS-1, trimming and sustaining sample loops before assigning them to the keyboard for Midi sequences or drone effects. In the case of the DSS-1, the trimming has to be done anew for each sample/sustain in the Edit mode. The Freezer should have this feature as a default setting.

    is this freeze function only found on the hog? or are there stand alone freeze pedals out there? seems like money left on the table…

    Only on the HOG AFAIK


    Oh see now we just have two completely different ideas running. I’d love to see both happen.

    The Freezer


    The Drone Boner


    Hmmh! So a Freezer couldn’t do a Drone?


    Sure it could, it would just be the synth tone. That’s why I was saying I think at some point we split into two different pedals here….

    The Freezer being the Freeze/Gliss mode from the Hog. Much like a Feedbacker from 1984 Boss.

    And then another pedal that is more like a VERY short delay type of thing with a filter. Which I feel like can be done with other pedals out there already, but it’d be cool to see someone make a dedicated device for it.


    Right, absolutely. I get your point. So now we have the Drone Boner to contend with as well!


    Drone Boner


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