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    Just the freeze function from the Hog. With maybe the filter from the SMM/H?


    yes please!

    this is good. the more threads demanding this the better chance of us getting it ;)


    I hate to suggest it, as I would have no use for it. But if they combined it with a bit crusher/reducer effect it would be huge.


    Great to see someone pick up on the idea and the name PabloEire and I talked about on the HOG Demo by Dan Miller topic posted by Scott:

    There is certainly a lot to be said for the Freezer pedal concept. All ideas and support welcome!


    Really though – I wish pedal companies (mainly one of the handful of bigger ones) would really take notice of non-guitarists using their gear. I feel like 90% of the videos/sound samples given for pedals really only reveal about 1/3 of their potential. Which is a shame. I have really latched onto EHX though in recent years, as they always seem to (possibly by accident) deliver features that can really be taken to extremes. That and their more hands-on/no digital read outs approach to things.

    In regards to making pedals more friendly for non-guitarists – simply making as many things stereo in/outas possible would help a TON.

    A Stereo Grail is a no brainer, and I’m shocked that within the 4 or 5 (+?) versions of the Grail there is not one that is Stereo In/out!?


    Back on subject – the idea of a pedal that is geared toward “glitching/freezing” would be SO coveted by both guitarist and non-guitarists.

    If this portion of the circuit on function alone – I can’t see why it shouldn’t become a reality.

    Another similar function I wish would appear on an EHX delay is ducking. As with ducking and short repeats you can create really wonderful stuttering delays.

    The Freezer – Freeze/Hold Switch, Bypass Switch, High/Low Filter, Pitch Knob (possibly two?), Wet/Dry Knob.

    I like the idea of having a wet dry for the Dry/Wet signal and a blend knob for Original Frozen pitch and a user sweepable second pitch. Either this or just two pitch knobs would really take this thing over the top.

    And again, not to my taste, but throw a decimator on there and you have a serious (and again probably as expensive as the HOG) pedal.


    I have used EHX effect pedals with a custom Deagan Electravibe since the 1970’s and have always found them fantastic. (The Electravibe is what I am playing on the link below where even the amp is an Electro-Harmonix!)
    And the reason I love EHX pedals is because, as you say, they always give more and help us sound maniacs push the sonic envelope …preferably in stereo nowadays!

    Edit: I have added some blue to my design suggestion for the Freezer to get a little more “freeze” in the mix!

    Great to see someone pick up on the idea and the name PabloEire and I talked about on the HOG Demo by Dan Miller topic posted by Scott:

    There is certainly a lot to be said for the Freezer pedal concept. All ideas and support welcome!

    Ahhh Brill!
    Really glad people are for this idea,
    it’d be unlike anything else out there,
    designs are looking ace WatsonWood :thumb:


    I wouldn’t mind something to that end (the Freezer, that is)…That sounds like something I could get a great deal of use out of.


    Must have an effects loop.


    I’m hoping for simple and cheap. So the more interesting and affordable it can be the better….

    That said a Exp. in for the filter would be RAD!

    Is the Freezer possible?

    Must have an effects loop.

    Of course, effects loop is a must…and, ghost, possible it certainly is….the trouble quote the Stereo MCs….the trouble is, ah, do the staff at EHX reckon this idea is worthy of their efforts?

    And thanks, PabloEire, I appreciate your comments!


    I would like to add a momentary switch for freeze hold, functioning much like a Boss Feedbacker.


    I’d be all over this if it was made. All you would need, as far as I can see, is a Freeze button, a mix knob, and an effects loop. The loop would have so many possibilities: put in an octave for organ sounds, a wah for ambient sweeping type things, or to send it to a different amp… as a keyboardist, I could find dozens of uses for that! =D

    Is the Freezer possible?

    for sure, I’d stick my neck out and say almost anything is possible with digital stuff…..if you can imagine it someone could program it, I’d bet.

    I’m still keen on a ‘reverser’ pedal which takes the ‘hold the footswitch down reverse playback’ feature from the Hazari. So anytime you wanted some backwards stuff you could just hold the footswitch down and it will play back the last 30 seconds of what you played in reverse. It would be great for just adding some cool backwards stuff here and there without any fuss.


    Well some things aren’t possible in real time. Like pre-verb or pre-delay.

    Anyways, they already have the freeze function on the HOG, so it’s definitely possible.

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