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  • #111006
    I see that everyone misses something: a cassette is not a tape loop. the tape ends at some point. it would work for a fair amount of time (30 mins, but depends on the tape), but then you’ll have to flip the tape to keep using it. No big deal for me, but idk, my 2 cents

    I like the idea of the Moebius tape loop (9.3 seconds) http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Making_Cassette_Tape_Loops

    And as long as the tape motor has variable speed, you could probably extend the loop time, though the fidelity would decrease – but hey, that might have a really cool sound to it.

    Point is, you could do all kinds of experimentation using cassette tapes. Look how cheaply they can be purchased: http://music.shop.ebay.com/Cassettes-/1600/i.html?_trkparms=65:10|66:2|39:1&rt=nc&_nkw=cassette&_catref=1&_dmpt=Music_Cassettes&_npmv=3&_sticky=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_sop=15&_sc=1

    You wouldn’t feel bad about messing up a loop, or changing out the tape after every performance.

    I think a really important detail with this tape delay idea is that it’s another opportunity for EHX to incorporate its preamp tubes into another device — give the Fulltone TTE a bit of competition.


    that is kind of cool!


    That’s pretty cool!


    How about something along the lines of the Boss LS-2 line switcher? 2 independent loops with boost controls for each (perhaps Germanium boost circuits?)that can be run A and B, individually and together. This can take care of volume drops and jumps associated with some EHX pedals, or you can blend a clean signal in with pedals in the other loop, great for getting some clarity with higher gain, or deep modulation.


    I like the FX loop pedal idea. Also.. The purists are gonna hate me fer this, but.. Deluxe Micro Synth. It would have to be digital (like the POG2), switchable between bass and guitar, have a preset Hazari knob, with expression and MOD inputs (like the Ring Thing).



    Maybe an EHX tuner? that’s not really so unralistic

    Lizard Jonny

    I would love something similar to a stereo electric mistress, but say the chorus and flanger ran independently of each other and it was quadrophonic… so say you had 4 amps. flange on the 2 outside amps and chorus on the inside. That would be badass.



    EHX Tuner Fish pedal would be great!

    – Nano Chasis
    – Run on 9v
    – Maybe a mute toggle switch which means “when stepped on mute the signal”
    – Cost around $60


    Carmine; that pedal is beautiful, love the name too xD but it’s too normal for EHX, it’d need to be something like the TC Electronics PolyTune (Polyphonic Tuner) whereby you strum all strings at once and it tells you which ones are out. http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/TC-Electronic-PolyTune-Polyphonic-Tuner/CER

    But yea, I’d totally buy that.



    EHX Switch Hitter
    – Switch between 2 instruments
    – Volume knob for each (with -20db to +20db gain)
    – LED’s to let you know what channel you’re on
    – Switch toggles between A <> B and A -> B -> Mute

    (sorry, having way too much fun with photoshop today)

    The EH Man

    EHX Switch Hitter
    – Switch between 2 instruments
    – Volume knob for each (with -20db to +20db gain)
    – LED’s to let you know what channel you’re on
    – Switch toggles between A <> B and A -> B -> Mute

    (sorry, having way too much fun with photoshop today)

    So, it’s 2 LPB-1 pedals in one box set up something like the Double Muff.



    EHX Green Back$
    – Prints f@$#ing money
    – knob to select bill type
    – toggle switch for USD/EUR

    – Costs $120 for nano chasis model, but you’ll make back your investment with first use!


    The deluxe double muff – two foot switches (one to replace the slide switch), the 2 usual knobs plus a bias knob for the transistor on muff one and a fuzz knob for muff two. And a voltage control for extra fun. All of that will fit in the standard size DM enclosure i recon, so come on Mike!


    Thanks for the post. Hi guys, Im a newbie. Nice to join this forum.

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    Since EHX technology can accurately track pitch from a polyphonic source, I guess it´s only a matter of time and effort for EHX to build an additive synthesis algorithm in which harmonics could be triggered, let´s say, from entries on a wavetable.

    Then we would have a Polyphonic Micro Synthesizer, and a very sophisticated one. This could be the Rosetta Stone of guitar synthesis.

    Hence the name I suggest: Rosetta Stone.

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