Home Forums Help/Technical Questions The “9” Series and tuning

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    Hi, as a user of many different EHX pedals, now and decades ago, I’m leaning towards buying one of the “9” series pedals, e.g. B9, C9 Mel, etc.

    Still trying to figure out the best suitable one.

    My question is this. Do these pedals play the pitch your playing EXACTLY, or are they fine-tuning themselves in order to create an “in tune” version of what you’re playing on the guitar.

    If I would play an A in 438 or 442 Hz, will it automatically adjust it to 440?

    Or is it “what you play is what you hear?” Keyboards do have “pitch wheels”….

    • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by SydneyPais.

    Yes, that is the point. The algorithm will detect the input frequencies, apply processing depending on which 9-series pedal, and then reconstruct the affected signal to send it to the output. I would suggest trying one in person to get a feel for how it works.

    Yes, some keyboards do have pitch wheels.

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