Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Synth9 dry knob not working

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    I just bought a Synth9 used, and the Dry control doesn’t seem to do anything.
    I have the guitar plugged into the input and the ‘synth’ output connected to the amp. No matter where I set the ‘dry’ knob, I can hear the dry guitar signal mixed in with the effect. Is there something I am missing?
    Video here to illustrate the issue: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ES7jn8HTjBqCtfNa6



    BYPASS MUTE Internal DIP Switch Inside the STRING9 is a small DIP switch
    labeled dry/mute. This switch allows you to choose the signal output from the
    EFFECT jack when the STRING9 is in bypass mode.
    While the STRING9 is in Bypass, and the DIP switch is set to dry (factory
    default), the EFFECT jack outputs the signal present at the INPUT. This is the
    standard guitar pedal routing for bypass. Set the DIP switch to mute, and

    – 2 –

    Controls and Connections

    the EFFECT jack output is muted in bypass. This is handy when sending the
    STRING9’s string effects to a different amplifier or mixer channel and you
    don’t want to hear your guitar out of that amp while in bypass.
    To change the dry/mute DIP switch setting, do the following:
    Remove the bottom cover of the STRING9.
    Locate the small board with the footswitch and ribbon cable. Here you’ll
    find the DIP switch labeled dry and mute.
    Change the dry/mute DIP switch setting with a small flathead screwdriver.
    Note: this switch is very delicate. Do not force it when changing settings.
    If the switch handle doesn’t move easily, try moving it the other way first
    and then back to the position you want.

    You can always write the techs at info@ehx.com


    Hi EHX…
    thanks for the response. yes I tried this, and to an extent it behaves as expected… i.e. when in ‘mute’ position, there is no signal when the effect is bypassed/off, but the dry signal is still present in the ‘synth’ output when the effect is on, even when the ‘dry’ knob is fully off.
    I have been in touch with tech support and the conclusion is that the pedal is not working properly, so I am going to send it in.
    Postage + a small repair fee is pretty reasonable to have a working pedal.


    I don’t care how good a pedal sounds, if the dry knob don’t work, and the manufacturer ignores my support request, then I have no use for it. I am not happy with the pedal or EHX support.

    Hello EHX, once again….

    How do I get the dry knob on the syth9, and the C9 as well, to do anything?, while using the correct adapter that came with these pedals, with output at the effect plug, and wearing headphones, I turned down the effects knob all the way and the dry knob does nothing to the signal, I still hear dry guitar even with the dry knob all the way down, and when the effect knob is brought back up, even all the way, I can still hear the dry signal, again even when the dry knob is turned all the way down, the only way I am able to control the amount of dry signal I am hearing is by turning the effects knob up trying to mask the dry guitar, but even with the effect knob all the way up I’m still hearing some dry guitar coming through.

    Another customer of EHX asked this same question and was told to change a DIP switch setting inside the pedal, to me that’s an odd suggestion to make a pedal work as you would expect when you buy it, and from what I am reading online that DIP switch setting has nothing to do with the issue being reported.

    I actually ordered the B9 and Bass 9 yesterday morning from Sweetwater, because I was so happy when I initially played with the C9 and synth9, but after playing around with the pedals further and seeing no effect with the dry knob, and seeing other users online, and here at the EHX site, reporting the same issue I had to cancel the order, and will send these pedals back to Sweetwater as well, along with my reviews, If I can’t get some guidance on how to get these dry knobs to act as I expect.



    Hi Brad…
    just want to update my case. I emailed EHX support, and the short version of the story is they asked me to send the pedal to them in the US (I am in Ireland). They waived the usual service charge, and about 3 weeks later I had the pedal back and working.

    There was a little back-and-forth as I explained the situation, but it was resolved to my satisfaction… actually far beyond satisfaction, given that it was out of warranty, and purchased used, I would have been happy to pay the service charge.

    Try emailing info@ehx.com


    bradwestcott EHX service answers EVERY email they get without fail!
    Please check your spam folder and I will forward your message to them as well.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by EHX STAFF.

    Hello EHX,

    No, there is nothing from EHX in my spam folder becasue your reply EHX is in my inbox, and I am still waiting for support, Monday morning I submitted a customer support request at https://www.ehx.com/support/#Customer-Support, it’s now Friday afternoon and I feel neither of these pedals are making to the show tomorrow night

    This what you sent me….

    “Hi Brad,

    Thank you for contacting Electro-Harmonix Customer Support. We have received your message and will get in touch with you shortly.

    Best regards,

    Please define ‘shortly’ EHX. If I didn’t post on this forum today we still would not be communicating.

    You have my email, you also have my phone number, show starts in 32 hours.


    Hi Gerry, I did reach out for support at https://www.ehx.com/support/#Customer-Support, I then got a confirmation back from info@ehx.com Monday morning, it’s Friday afternoon now, we have a gig tomorrow night, the pedals sound great but i just cant get past the fact that i cant make the dry knob do anything on either pedal, it is frustrating call me hard-headed but i wont even put them in my FX loop until i understand what is happening here, is it me?, is it the pedals?, is it a bad production run?, is it the alignment of the planets mocking me? lol

    i’m glad it worked out for you, hoping for the same here


    Hello EHX,

    5:00pm EST, the business week is over here in NY.

    The pedals are going back to Sweetwater, you don’t blow off gigging musicians for a week and then do it again
    right here on your own forum the day before a show, you have our email, you have our cell phone number, WTF

    I don’t care how much they cry for these pedals, the expense is not justified in the books if good support doesn’t come with the gear.

    You are now out of the loop EHX. Goodbye.

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