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    Can i run my synths and MPCs though EHX effect pedals? I been told that you can’t because the output from the synths are too powerful and will blown the effect pedals.
    IS that true?



    I seriously doubt it, plenty of people do use them with keyboards and other instruments. … as far as I know the only way you will blow up a pedal is by running too much voltage into it.

    Probably best to wait for more comments though.


    Too scared to try it, i love my EHX pedals too much LOL. Hopefully someone was can help me.


    I did it alot with old vintage synthesizers. DIfferent kind of pedals and it works fine, never read on synth forums that other people had problems. So just do it! Use your usual powersupplies for your pedals.


    Just do it, if I and others can pummel a 50dbs clean boost into our pedals I doubt a synth can hurt it.


    what about buying a signal pad?

    Signal Pad


    I run my Korg R3 through my board all the time and never had a problem.


    I’ve run my synths through lots of pedals. Running it normal may cause the pedal to clip. You can use a passive attenuator like the signal pad, or just turning the volume down a lot may stop the clipping. I normally either run straight into a pedal or attenuate it if I know the pedal will clip too hard. You shouldn’t be able to damage the pedal though.


    Thanks guys. Going to try it this weekend.
    How can you test the output of the signal?


    Well you don’t have to, if you think the pedal is overloaded, with the input-sinal, just put the volume on your synth down..

    Bad Chile

    Before moving onto the guitar (about five years ago), I was a synthesist for 20 years. One of the bands (ok, me an another synth player) was pretty much noisecore industrial.

    Anyway, I played three synths, each of which had a dedicated distortion pedal on the output, velcro’d to the top of the synth. No damage.

    So go nuts. Pedals on synths is fine.

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