Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Syncing Logic Pro with a 2880 looper

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    Im trying to sync a 2880 with Logic Pro but i can’t seem to get logic to receive midi messages from the looper. Logic will transmit midi info to the 2880, but not the other way around. I am using a USB M-Audio Uno midi interface. Anyone know why this is or what the correct settings in logic are? Thanks!!!


    I don’t use logic, but why are you making the 2880 the master clock? seems more worthwhile to do it opposite.


    That would be a question for the Logic forums. I don’t use Logic but in Ableton Live you just have to enable sync on the MIDI input your using, and set the software to External Sync mode. I imagine it’s similar in Logic.

    I agree that it’s generally better to slave the 2880 for a couple of reasons (but of course everybody’s setups and needs are unique.) One thing you might want to consider is that the 2880 lacks precise tempo control, whereas software can give you accuracy down to a 10th or 100th of a BPM. I have slaved my 2880 to Ableton and it worked well.

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