Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Superego+ requires effects to be on for freeze chain operation?

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    I recently purchased the Superego+ and am impressed with its functionality. However I have found some interesting things and wondered if they are intentional.
    I typically only use modes 1 and 5. And switch between them live.
    When switching from 5 to 1, whatever was in the fade out buffer from the last time I was in mode 1 plays. It is short but does cause some stares in a quiet church.
    Next, Even though I find the effects useful there are times I want to turn off the effects and use the freeze and send/return without any effects added. But when I switch off the effects none of that is enabled. I believe that I should be able to use those items without any effects added. Is this intentional functionality?
    Lastly, the manual says that the return jack is mixed with the dry signal and sent to the output jack. I Have found that the return is gated by mode and effect switches and is influenced by the effect volume, not the dry volume. So it seems that the return is much more associated with the wet signal path than the dry. The manual seems misleading in this respect. This also may be due to the something relative to the send but it’s hard to tell. A signal flow diagram would be extremely helpful.

    *Update: all of the above symptoms occurred with a footswitch (Triple Foot Controller), an expression pedal (ehx) and an effects loop. Without any of that, some of these symptoms go away.

    **Update: with just the base setup (no pedals or effects loop), only the buffering issue occurs.
    Mode1; play and freeze something.
    Switch to mode 5.
    Switch back to mode 1.
    If effects were off in this last switch then nothing is heard.
    If effects were on in this last switch then whatever was previously frozen is heard (like a fade out).

    ***Update: tested the Send signal through an independent amp and it behaves as expected (documented) in all modes and effect on/off.
    The Reurn is a slightly different matter. In mode 1 it behaves as expected; the return signal is added to the output with effects on and off, when frozen. The odd one is mode 5. In mode 5 the effects must be on for the return signal to be added to the output. I would like the return signal to be added to the output regardless of effect on/off in mode5. Now that have a better understanding of the signal paths I can. Get around it. I think the return should be enabled without the effects on. Perhaps in mode 5 the Bypass switch could be used for include/exclude the return. As it is it’s doubling the Effect button.

    ****Update: in mode 5 the Send also cuts without the Effects on, ONLY with the ‘Pitch’ effect setting. Very odd.


    Mode1; play and freeze something.
    Switch to mode 5.
    Switch back to mode 1.
    If effects were off in this last switch then nothing is heard.
    If effects were on in this last switch then whatever was previously frozen is heard (like a fade out).

    I can confirm this as well. It appears to be a bug, and only happens when switching from LIVE EFFECTS to MOMENT mode, and only if the effects are on, as you describe. Is there any chance of a firmware fix?

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