Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Superego+ questions

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  • #85025

    Very interested in the SE+, but have a few things to confirm/would like clarification on…

    So the bypass button is the same as the regular SE?
    The effects knob switches on effects on the wet bit of the SE+ only?
    If you want the effects by themselves on the whole signal without the hold bit do you hit both together? Correct?

    Pitch shift can be ran by itself as above and you can set it to heel down is -Oct, and toe down is +Oct? But you can also do select ranges like heel down is unison, toe down +5 or something?

    The external jack uses momentary switches, so if you had some kinda midi to switch cc of 0 = open, cc of 127 = closed, you could do a toggle 0->127->0 to toggle the current effects (or mode) state to the next one, but you could ever recall a known effects state or set a mode without knowing the current one? I’m guessing the answer is no to this, but would be nice if there was a way.



    Yes,, I read that. Just not always the clearest though if you don’t have the unit in front of you to reference. So I figure the above is right, but not definite…

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