Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Superego effect loop

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  • #118221
    Eddie Mango

    I just bought a couple of tracks. Cool website.
    is it the Dwarfcraft Thumping Double Squaresnakes Device on “Rain Falls”?
    Though I favor “waste of time”.

    …maybe you find this intresting too,
    I made an invention:
    storing & recalling settings on every analog effect device!!!

    I run a patent on it and right now I am bussy develloping it with a couple of electro-technics students here in Berlin (…maybe they can solder a switch into the SE lol)
    making it into a real product…everything wireless …etc..

    maybe this is sth for you guys at EHX?
    We try to find a rich partner :)
    At least we hope you like it… here is a small website…with my short Tutorial video (on the first prototype)


    would love to hear what you think of it…
    (I have the SE hooked up alreday…workes supercool in automode…I connected the dry and fx potis)

    ian annesson

    Thanks DiscoFreq,

    I’m wanting to do your scenario number two; switching between Superego’s effect loop and the “normal” signal path. I actually found just what I was looking for, The Dropout. http://this1smyne.com/shop/the-dropout/


    how is the Dropout working for you? i just got my Superego in the mail 2 days ago and now i’m wondering how i’m gonna utilize the FX loop on stage, practically. i would love to see how that thing works. post a video?

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