Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Superego Auto Mode

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    Is anyone having trouble with the Superego “hearing” your signal in AUTO mode? Even with my volume on fully with any of my guitars through any of my amps trying multiple guitar cables it only picks up half of the notes played and at that only on the high strings. When I play excessively hard, THEN it picks up my most of what I play in AUTO. I’m on the verge of returning this pedal if this is the best that I can expect.


    i just got a Superego the other day, and i can see where you are coming from on this


    Think 1 thru 10 on the four controls: SPEED(9) GLISS(1) DRY(9) EFFECT(9)
    …this setting should give you easy auto triggering.


    yeah i was having better luck with auto mode last night with similar settings. thanks for posting though!


    I wondered about Auto mode like many others at first, but experimenting with the SPEED & GLISS knobs got me to a place where I can trigger chords with minimum effort…so, don’t give up on the Auto mode.
    Have you tried any of your other boxes in the Send/Return loop? It’s big fun, as the Superego mixes that specific synthy/Poggy flavor into whatever fx you run through it. I’m not even that big into heavy dirtbox washes, but cranking a fuzz w/ some delay into the SE creates an amazing wall of zound.


    I have put pretty much everything that will sound cool in the loop and I get can get great sounds. The thing that I do now is to put an MXR 10 band EQ (that I’ve had forever and rarely used) before the Superego with the gain boosted. Now I can pretty much what ever I want however I want in either series, parallel or split humbucker modes and the Superego can hear it all.


    I just got the superego and I got the same thing I had to use my LPB-1 before it and set the boost at 1200 so It could get it all my notes. I am kinda on the line too weather to keep it or to return it.

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