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  • #98987

    Hey how about instead of extra +detune sliders:

    Only one detune slider, and a little push knob at each slider to assign the detune to it or not. So you could have detune on any number of sliders, giving you ultimate control.

    The only downside is that the amount of detune would be the same for every slider, I wouldn’t care. ;)


    If the exp in are standard CV on EHX stuff, Moog has you covered, Julian. :D


    Yeah. Well the MP-201 also can do non standard voltage ranges too. I just need to save up 500 bucks sometime.


    Well, nyah.


    sorry to ressurrect an old thread, but it’s a strange world. i was writing on another board about how the hog (and other similar guitar synths) bring us guitarist pretty close to the world of modular synthesis. the only thing missing is full adsr envelope control and lfo modulation. the thing is, most new pedals have expression pedal inputs, and adding an expression pedal input is easy stuff. so, i figured, the solution is an lfo that plugs into an expression pedal input. it’s just an automated variable resistor that will swing from 0 to 50kohms. my post is here:,26031.0.html

    i come sniffing around the ehx site, only to find someone has the exact same idea as i do!!!

    – a pedal that plugs into an expression pedal jack and oscillates (or ‘auto-rocks’ for want of a better term).
    – variable max/min setting on the auto-rock.
    – has a waveshape selector knob (square, saw, sine, triangle, noise, etc.) and a rate knob. perhaps a waveshape width, skew or offset control.
    – expression pedal control of the rate.
    – a control voltage input that overrides the rate and waveshape controls and lets an external device (ie, an adsr envelope generator) control oscillation rate and waveshape. better yet, just have a ‘custom’ waseshape section with adsr control …
    – note that, when you modulate volume you have a trem pedal, so you could use the lfo pedal to modulate the volume control of another pedal to get trem, or perhaps have an instrument in/out on the lfo pedal itself so that it doubles as a trem pedal …
    – add an onboard envelope follower circuit and you could use your guitar signal as the control voltage input …
    – allow the waveshapes to be output at line level and you have a signal generator also …

    i hadn’t thought of a step sequencer, but that is an amazing idea that really comples the circle with respect to guitar-based modular systhesis, especially when used with the octave bend setting. otherwise, with a cv input you could use any step sequencer.

    as stated, such a pedal would be a great hog accessory, but versitile to work on it’s own or with any other pedal with an expression pedal input (even moogfooders …).

    worst case scenario, you could jury-rig any trem pedal. i presume they just vary the resistance to ground (probably swing from 0 to 10 Mohms). put a 50kohm resistor in parallel with the pedal (ie, between the input and ground) and your resistance will swing from 0 to 50kohms; the same as an expression pedal. plug that into the expression pedal input of whatever and it should auto-whatever. not having a trem pedal i can’t confirm, however.



    but what a phantastic idea!

    and – i mean – this pedal could even be digital and therefor programmable to different waveforms (like similar to random EP movement?!).

    even more wicked – a pedal with a touchscreen to “free paint” or generate different waveforms.

    modulation heaven!
    and this way you could have analog sound digitally rendered – even with correct tempo!

    maybe we should start a company. ;-)




    but what a phantastic idea!

    and – i mean – this pedal could even be digital and therefor programmable to different waveforms (like similar to random EP movement?!).

    even more wicked – a pedal with a touchscreen to “free paint” or generate different waveforms.

    modulation heaven!
    and this way you could have analog sound digitally rendered – even with correct tempo!

    maybe we should start a company. ;-)



    Sounds sort of like the Hollow Earth by Sonic Crayon FX, though his doesn’t have a touch screen, that’s a great idea.


    That is amazing! isn’t there a pedal by ZVEX that’s similar and got 9 dials in a row?!

    but this one – great stuff.

    and it’s a tremolo, dinamix AND programmable EP… wow.

    although i think, it could be a little hard to dial in an exactly wanted setting… with just one knob to twist…

    presets – great!

    there’s no idea, that hasn’t been before it seems! :-)




    The seek trem.

    I’ve actually designed a digital sequencer expression pedal for myself after having wanted a sequencer for years. So I’m happy. . . my HOG can make all kinds of weird noises now. :D

    Also want to do an ADSR at some point, though that will be harder because I’ll have to extra gate from a guitar signal.


    sounds way cool – could you post a few of those mentioned weird sounds?

    i imagine – a sequenced octave bend?!?!? wow!

    i don’t wanna think about what a random mode would sound like in freeze/gliss :-)

    way to go!



    I’ve been able to get some really screwed up stuff with Freeze Gliss and random on guitar, no clips ATM though. It’s hard to get the random settings just right for the freeze gliss, but at one point I was getting dial-up modem sounds.

    here’s a vid I made:


    Hey Julian,

    way to go!!!!!!+!

    amazing sounds! that’s what i was thinking about – and the HOG ist jsut the beast for it:

    i mean – filter, pitch and volume sequenzing via a tremlike EP!!! great stuff.

    you even can do tremoloing via the volume setting.

    sounds amazing – very good video.
    sadly i’m not that good at electronics – i can’t do my own pedal.

    now that would be something EH should do! the more, as they have many new pedals with EP-plug!

    think about what you could do with the new stereo polyflange coming up next ;-)


    maybe we should recommend such a pedal in a thread of its own???

    best regards

    Ned Flanders

    The HOG gas been on my to get list for ages,I’m finally starting to save for it!!!

    Hey Julian,

    way to go!!!!!!+!

    amazing sounds! that’s what i was thinking about – and the HOG ist jsut the beast for it:

    i mean – filter, pitch and volume sequenzing via a tremlike EP!!! great stuff.

    you even can do tremoloing via the volume setting.

    sounds amazing – very good video.
    sadly i’m not that good at electronics – i can’t do my own pedal.

    now that would be something EH should do! the more, as they have many new pedals with EP-plug!

    think about what you could do with the new stereo polyflange coming up next ;-)


    maybe we should recommend such a pedal in a thread of its own???

    best regards

    no they shouldn’t!

    Because I’m going to start making them!

    Though if they came out with something similar, I guess I’d just change my design.


    So Julian – honestly – you’ll gonna sell them?

    There seem to be problems with the hollow earth AND it’s not compatible with the hog yet as i read.

    there’s another great video which shows the hog being manipulated with a theremin+ and a MP-201 both moog! amazing, but a bit expensive – although i must say, that the MP-201 looks like a very great tool!

    the vids here:

    only thing i’m worried about is – will i ever stop fooling around with my hog? ;-)

    : i try voodoo now, so the guys @EHX will think they have to build it NOW! ;-)

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