Home Forums EHX News Summer NAMM 2011?

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    Any body know if there will be any new products from EHX this summer?


    your guess is as good as anyone’s….. We rarely hear anything in advance from EHX.


    im thinking its a definite yes that they will put out a new product. at least they will xo something. they always do. . .dont they?

    im hoping for a new tremolo. i would buy it in a heartbeat.

    have you guys seen the new tremvelope from pigtronix? really cool and definitely worth checking out. im just wondering if it would be considered stealing for ehx to put out a similar idea. hope not


    I would love to see a XO Polychorus, XO IC Big Muff Pi and a XO 16 Second Delay.

    im thinking its a definite yes that they will put out a new product. at least they will xo something. they always do. . .dont they?

    im hoping for a new tremolo. i would buy it in a heartbeat.

    have you guys seen the new tremvelope from pigtronix? really cool and definitely worth checking out. im just wondering if it would be considered stealing for ehx to put out a similar idea. hope not

    The tremvelope looks pretty crazy, but if you’re sticking with EHX I can heartily recommend the Stereo Pulsar. I have never been that much of a tremolo fan, but I LOVE the Pulsar. It’s never leaving my board – I use it so much.

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