Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Stoner Wizard’s YouTube Channel

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  • #83702
    Stoner Wizard

    Hello everybody!

    I have just started my personal YouTube channel. I have begun to upload some material. There will be original songs, covers, as well as sonic experiments.

    They all have a common nexus, which is the presence of EH stompboxes. I have always appreciated their efforts to create something new.

    As a guitar and bass player, I have been using EH pedals since 2001. Except for an SMM/Hazarai, the remainder of my EH arsenal are exclusively big-boxed units (RI’s and originals from 70’s and 80’s).

    This first video is a truly showcase for EH. The cover was made using EH pedals only.

    I have attached some explanations about the different effects that appear on the recording. This was made in my practice space between February and June of 2011.

    As I comment, all guitar and bass tracks were recorded without amplifiers, and were connected directly to the audio interface through the different pedal set-ups.

    Tortoise are a great band and certainyl, one of my favorites, and this one is a song that appeared on a compilation CD/DVD set entitled “A Lazarus Taxon”.

    Here’s the link to the YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AgoQ4KYk-k

    More to come soon…

    Thank you very much!



    Stoner Wizard

    Hi everybody!

    Here’s more material: A home-made cover of an Earth song. This one is “Song #4”, which appears on “Phase 3: Thrones and Dominions”.

    I tried to make a little homage to one of my favorite drone/doom bands while I was trying out a new audio interface at my very basic home studio. Thus, I recorded all bass and guitar parts without amplification. I only put some EH boxes (among others) between the instrument and the audio card.

    The most prominent effect is the EH Big Muff, mainly some USA originals and reissues.

    YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB0aCm8_71g

    More to come soon…

    Thanks a lot for your support!

    Best regards


    Stoner Wizard

    Hello again!

    After having some days off, I have managed to find some time to complete my latest recording experiment. This is another of my favorite songs by Chicago post-rockers Tortoise.

    “Charteroak Foundation” is the closing number of their sixth album “Beacons Of Ancestorship”. I played all instruments in this DIY recording, that features a number of EH big boxes (among other classics by MXR and Boss) that give the spice to the guitar and bass parts.




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