Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Pulsar Malfunction

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  • #77475

    I recently purchased the pulsar tremolo pedal–maybe about two months ago–and after only a few home studio uses, I have encountered a problem. Today, when I grabed my guitar, and engaged the pedal, there was this percussive, high rate, “rumbling engine” type sound that was coming out of my practice amplifier. I tried different cables, thinking one was faulty, but it wasn’t that. I plugged the pedal through a different amplifier, and I heard the same noise–even before plugging it into a guitar…

    Not sure what could be wrong, and if I should just take the pedal back.

    Ned Flanders

    Contact EHX for repair.


    ….or just take it back to the shop and ask for another one.


    I agree with electro-melx. I hate trying to fix things myself and waiting for e-mails.

    For example, i’m asking for a refund from the itunes store because a video i bought wont sync to my ipod and nothing the tech support told me to do worked and i don’t feel like doing anything else with it so when i get my money back i’ll just buy music instead.


    But before you take it back; try changing the battery…
    I don’t know how many times I’ve had pedals “fail” on me, behaving strange, making foreign noises, generally just beeping and making my tone go up in pitch… Only to discover that the battery is almost flat…

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