Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Music Man with Hazarai; loop question

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    Hi i just got the SMMH and i must say i do love it however i have run into one problem i cant seem to figure out, if i am using one of the echo mods, and then start to use the looper, is there a way to stop all the loops while continuing to use the same echo effect?? or is the only way to end the loop to have to bypass the pedal and delete it before i can resume with the same effect??


    as far as i know, the only way to stop a loop is to bypass the pedal first — or switch to loop mode and turn the blend all the way to dry

    either way you have to temporarily switch out of the echo you are using


    that’s the only way to stop the loop unfortunately.


    I would KILL for a mod for this… I wonder if it’s possible at all… Hmmm.


    can the factory make such a mod? who would i need to ask? man that would be great!!!


    technically you could just have a send/return loop switcher and put each channel of the SMMH (left and right) into a send/return loop. So you could record a loop in the left channel, then switch to the right channel and you wouldn’t hear it anymore. However the loop would still be going, so if you wanted to do a new loop, the length would be dictated by the ongoing loop.


    I reckon that the echo/delay circuit is the same one as the loop circuit which would make any modding to stop the loop while keeping the echo/delay impossible. I have spent several weeks playing through the SMMH and could never resolve this question.
    It would certainly be fantastic were it possible.

    I reckon that the echo/delay circuit is the same one as the loop circuit which would make any modding to stop the loop while keeping the echo/delay impossible. I have spent several weeks playing through the SMMH and could never resolve this question.
    It would certainly be fantastic were it possible.

    The SMMH being a digital pedal, aren’t we talking about modifying code rather than picking up the old soldering iron?


    By this you mean that the recorded delay could be programmed to remain whereby the recorded loop would be instructed to leave the vicinity tout de suite?

    By this you mean that the recorded delay could be programmed to remain whereby the recorded loop would be instructed to leave the vicinity tout de suite?

    Sort of… ;)

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