Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo MM mono–>stereo

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  • #82311
    tight lines

    When going mono(L) in to stereo out (into 2 hard-panned channels on a soundboard/interface), shouldn’t I hear the guitar in the centre, and the delay moving on the left and right? Or will the dry signal always be on one side? Does one have to run (somehow) the guitar into both channels to get this effect?

    The EH Man

    No, one output is just dry signal.

    tight lines

    huh? does that mean that no, you can’t get a centred dry signal?

    tight lines

    … and if so, how does one achieve the desired effect? run an fx send through an aux, thus using 3 channels on the interface/mixer?


    th easy way is you an auto panner on the wet signal to two channels – and center the dry one.,.,
    or,,, use two delays, if U2 arent your thing this site http://www.amnesta.net/edge_delay/
    is stlll really great for delay info

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