Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Memory Man with Hazarei becomes silent

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    My SMMH has worked perfectly ever since I bought it some time ago. However yesterday, when set up as per usual, it allowed the true bypass signal to go through, flashed its LEDs as per usual when I selected Presets and Delay times, but when I switched on the effect there was complete silence! After checking all in and out cables, and the amps, and the guitar direct into the amps etc etc I was stuck with a silent effects pedal.
    Any ideas out there as to what to do (before I give up and send it back to be repaired, that is).

    Many thanks


    I’d guess it’s a bad bypass switch


    I agree, since after writing my cry for help I drew a deep breath and plugged the SMMH back in, leaving it for about twenty minutes, then hooked it up to the amp, then the guitar. A couple of gentle stomps and it was up and running again.
    Therefore, julian, I think you are right. It works right now, but one day, sooner or later, I will have to get it checked out, or look inside myself to see if it is a faulty solder point or so.
    Anyway, thanks for the response!


    I’d replace that 3pdt in there, it will probably start acting up again


    Yes, I will do definitely do that. Thanks. And I remember that I have had the SMMH on for periods of up to three and a half days non-stop recently. This is due to keeping a specific loop which we were rehearsing with every day. Since I could not turn the SMMH off (the loop would disappear) I decided to leave the machine on. Maybe not too good.
    This is why I will be acquiring a 2880 just as soon as possible!

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