Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai – tempo start on first note?

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    I am a little confused with my pedal. I think it mainly comes from me being used to my Boss DD-5 delay pedal. With my DD-5, when I hit a note, it sounds out fully, starting the tempo. As though the tempo is waiting for my first note to start the delay.

    With my SMMH, it seems that the tempo is already running behind the scenes. This means I have to watch the tempo light and time my first note to align with the blinking light. This is a pain to time correctly with a drummer for starting a song.

    Am I thinking about this wrong, or is the SMMH just different from my DD-5?


    Anyone out there with a SMMH that can chime in?
    Or maybe an EHX employee?


    That is an extremely odd occurrence. I haven never experienced that with my SMMwH, or any other delay pedal I’ve tried. I suggest contacting customer service.


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