Home Forums Help/Technical Questions stereo memory man — can you set YOUR loop attenuation to “0”?

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    for you stereo memory man with hazarai owners out there — just curious if you can you set your loop attenuation to “0”?

    just wanted to check with you guys before i send ehx a note…

    when i set my repeats nob to the full clockwise position when in loop mode, i still get volume drops in previously recorded loops every time i overdub…

    from the manual:

    “REPEATS Knob: While in Loop mode, the REPEATS knob sets the attenuation level of the loop in memory while overdubbing onto the loop. If you set the REPEATS knob to the full clockwise position, no attenuation will occur and you will hear the old loop at the same volume level as before overdubbing. If you turn the REPEATS knob to full counter-clockwise, the previously recorded loop will be completely erased. Set the REPEATS knob to 12 o’clock and you will a hear 50% volume drop in the previously recorded loop. Again this only occurs while overdubbing.”

    seems like zero attenuation is possible from the manual — but thats no what im getting with my pedal when the repeats nob is set to the full clockwise position…

    thank for the input guys /d


    Read your post and quickly checked it out on mine. I had no attenuation at all with the repeats at 5 o’clock. I kept recording over and over and the all the layers remained at the same volume, a total mess :freak: :).

    Read your post and quickly checked it out on mine. I had no attenuation at all with the repeats at 5 o’clock. I kept recording over and over and the all the layers remained at the same volume, a total mess :freak: :).

    great, thanks so much — this answers my question — i appreciate it!

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