Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Clone Theory, extremely noisy hiss

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  • #104618
    John J

    all BBD chips hiss, most analog delay pedals have low pass filters or noise gates to tame the white noise. the clone theory preserves your frequency response, at the expense of quiet operation – a tradeoff which many dislike.

    if you just turn down the treble on your amp and switch off the pedal when you are not playing, you should not have anything to complain about.

    all BBD chips hiss, most analog delay pedals have low pass filters or noise gates to tame the white noise. the clone theory preserves your frequency response, at the expense of quiet operation – a tradeoff which many dislike.

    if you just turn down the treble on your amp and switch off the pedal when you are not playing, you should not have anything to complain about.

    Ah ok the clock noise and such, I’m with you. I just got my Stereo Clone Theory and I’m not getting a lot of noise. Like I would not say gee that’s noisy. I wouldn’t even think of it if it hadn’t been raised in online reviews and forums.

    The thing I don’t like about it is the echoey sound it has. My Boss CH-1 is a similar sounding chorus but it’s not got that long fixed delay time. I didn’t like the Small Clone for the same reason. Looks like EHX chorus is not for me. On the other hand if you ignore the echeoy sound as part of the flavour then it’s got far too much depth that it sounds significantly out of tune unless you bring it well below the 12 o’clock point.

    The jury is out on it, I really want to like it and I run the boss at full depth and mix, so that’s a sign of maybe needing more. I guess the Stereo Clone Theory is that MORE!!!!! :doh:


    Clone theory?Haha.
    What a joke.I have spoken to Rick from EHX New York.I purchased my Clone theory 2 or years ago from Gutar centre in LA while on Holiday..He and EHX are well aware that these pedals are noisey..He did however exchange the padal at my cost.I live in New Zealand,was a very exspensive to send and recieve it back..
    Did i get a peadal with less noise? Absolutely not…He himself admitted these are very noisey pedals and suggested i buy a polychorus..Like i have money to buy another,hell no.
    Why didnt they tell me before i brought the thing.
    All this crap about turning the treble down,high quality bucket bridge,whats your guitar setup,low pass filters or noise gates to tame the white noise is the best one.haha..a load of BS..Im a musician not a dam geek..
    THE PEDAL JUST DOESNT WORK..Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Im really angry because i am a full time musician and work hard to support me and my family here in NZ and to see it wasted on bad products is just fraustrating.The added cost of trying to get it fixed,phone calls,vehicle running cost,postage,bottles of asprins…Just a pain in the A%*.
    I have tried taking it to a technician to see what he can do,Surprise surprise,the EHX agents in NZ are waiting for a circuit diagram..I waited for 8 months..It didnt arrive..GGGrrrrrrrrr.
    I have just got it back and it depresses me..I leave it in my bedroom beside my door, as it makes a good door stopper..
    Until EHX front up about this,I will be shelving my other EHX pedals and Start a Boycott EHX PEDALS Face book and YOUTUBE page.
    If i was finacially inclinded i would take EHX to court..There wont be much problems getting support because so many people have the same problem.Just google “noisey clone theory”..
    I will buy me a WAMPLER Nirvana Chorus that works..
    EHX you are a joke…Why sell something that doesnt work..


    wow you need to relax, not everyone is perfect! i own about 30 EHX pedals and i dont have a single issue with any of mine! based on your rant, you dont sound very “professional” and if you dont like wasting your money like the rest of us, do extensive research before you go buying something you know nothing about, like read up on anything on the unit here in these forums, or watch half a dozen Youtube vids first!

    this unit is a reissue of a classic pedal, and nothing was perfect back then, but thats also why a lot of people like older or reissue pedals, because weather there perfect or not, there unique and have character that sets them apart from the rest. the only significant change they made to the reissue was make it stereo.


    Its not about being professional..Its about a product.
    Wether you have 50 or a hundred pedals doesnt mean a thing it only tells me you like to suck up to EHX.
    As far as doing research is concerned,whats wrong with just not selling the product..
    Why does a product have to be on the market if it doesnt perform..
    Dont judge a person and especially put them down because they are unhappy with a product..
    DO you think im angry?yes i am..
    Suggesting the youtube seems like the obvious..
    Suggesting every pedal has its own unique character that sets them apart from the rest is bs..
    My pedal sounds like a rattle ssssssssssssssssssssssnake..nothing characteristic about that.
    This makes me believe you dont have a musical bone in your body..
    except you collect EHX pedals.


    im just saying you wouldn’t be here ranting if you did more homework for yourself before you buy, there’s nothing in life i buy without knowing its right for me, that how i dont wast my money.

    and no i dont “suck up” to EHX i own many many pedals from many many makers. im just saying i do have plenty from EHX and i have no issues with the ones i have………..and for that matter then….yes i do love EHX, but not for any random reason, because they worked out well for me so far, im sorry for your bad experience. no i dont own the stereo clone theory myself, otherwise i may have the same issues, but you cant judge all of a company’s products one one bad item.

    you say your a professional musician, what if sum one went to a performance, and you slipped on a chord, forgot a line, or sum thing went wrong that wasn’t in your own hands, like the sound man or lighting? would it be fare to judge and or boycott you on one single bad experience?

    i understand your frustration, i just think boycotting a whole company because of one bad item is going a bit far, get over it, and sell it for your money back, there are plenty of people out there who will take it off your hands for a reasonable price. no you wont make all your money back, especially your shipping costs from the exchange, that was your own mistake for not looking into what you were getting into in the first place, and 2nd because he sed they were noisy units to begin with and you still exchanged for another one.

    Ive had plenty of bad, or horrible pedal buys in the past, we learn from our mistakes and make sure it don’t happen again, at the most go online weather its here or harmony central or whatever and give the specific pedal a bad review for others, instead of posting multiple pages trying to bring the whole company down, that just sounds like a childish temper tantrum.

    and it wont get anywhere, because even the die hard fans i found here can admit that EHX is not perfect at everything, and no one is, but what they have done right has helped shape music history for over 40 years, tell all the great musicians from history (a fraction of them listed here: https://www.ehx.com/about/artists) that they were wrong, and tell me they wouldn’t be the same without EHX, your ranting will only brighten peoples day with a chuckle.

    im done, no one will hear from me on this subject again, despite any immature personal attacks.
    but anyone els reading this agree? other than the person who posted the topic? let me know if im wrong im not stubborn like sum people, if not maybe it will enlighten our friend here.


    He didnt tell me about these pedals until after i recieved the new one,which was also noisey..Ok fair enough..Disscussion closed..Plz disregard a few comments.Fraustrated i am..

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