Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Stereo Clone Theory

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    OK, so this makes some really nice old school chorus and vibrato sounds.

    The chorus sound is absolutely beautiful.

    And the vibrato can do a really cool rotary sound, or get a cool warped record sound.


    -little bit of white noise/hiss when engaged- inaudible when playing -this doesn’t bug me
    -colors your sound so much that it makes you have to plan out your transitions a lot. If you want to quickly turn it on for a note, it will be very evident.
    -slight boost in chorus mode

    though the last 2 can be used in creative ways

    If you’ve got a POG or a HOG it can really flesh out that organ tone a lot.


    I tested one not so long ago . . .

    . . . and i realy like the colouring that it gave the tone and can deff work in some cases.

    What i could not except was the unwanted white back ground noise !
    Truly sad, as i really wanted one very badly !
    The shhhhhhhh, that i got with a BJr (fitted w. Vintage 30 sp) was tooo much for me !


    It isn’t hum or a high pitched whine, so I’m fine with it. Plus you only notice it when you aren’t playing. And live, who really cares about that?

    I’ve seen plenty of sweet bands that aren’t quiet when they stop playing, so it doesn’t both me much.


    Thinking about picking one of these up tomorrow. Mainly for the vibrato.
    Some one talk me in or out of it???

    I think I’m just gassin’ for a new EHX pedal. I want something not that common. I wish my local shops carried more. I’m a little too impatient for mail order.


    Ming, I really didn’t like mine much…I hated the way it coloured my tone and I don’t think the vibrato is cool enough for the price alone….but some people like what it does colour-wise, I would definetly try before buying.

    It’s one of my least favorite EHX XO pedals if I’m honest.


    The vibrato is very awesome, but it does alter your tone quite a bit.

    John J

    One of my most used pedals. It’s actually ruined me for any other chorus pedal, that hiss adds such depth to the sound! And the vibrato is chief.

    Julian – try this setting: DEPTH max, RATE between 7 and 9 o’clock, MODE jammed between Chorus 2 and Vibrato. Leave your strings ringing and spend a second fiddling with the switch, you’ll know it when you hit the right spot. I can’t really describe the sound it makes, but it’s a fun little thing to play with if you sync your playing up to the rate.

    EDIT: It’s almost exactly like stopping and starting a reel to reel tape recorder.

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