Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Stereo Cathedral Reverb

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    ….’That’s why I will soon use 3 amps. one for Bass, and 2 for each stereo side…!’….

    thats exactly what i do, and it makes everything sound sooooo much better! ;)

    ….’That’s why I will soon use 3 amps. one for Bass, and 2 for each stereo side…!’….

    thats exactly what i do, and it makes everything sound sooooo much better! ;)

    haha, I agree, it’s just that when I described this to people they tend to think I’m crazy…lol!


    holy crap chev! you are a freakin genius. i can sit here and listen to these all day! i want a cathedral so bad because of you now


    oh and severe bump


    hey it’s been a long time.

    thanks man.

    it’s funny I don’t use the Cathedral much lately…since I’m building a straight forward sludge metal project…just some good dirt on 2 amps and even a more dark black metal project…I find it easier for me and my drummer to work with dry signal…and add the reverb after…so I can ear myself better…it’s sometimes a lot different from my DAW to my amps…

    But I’m keeping the Cathedral for some drone project or noise…or some more ambiant intro…even thinking of splitting my board in 2 mini pedal train.

    one for basic dirt and amps and another one for noise and drones so I can bring it home to work on my DAW…anyways I’m not willing to get rid of it. I’ve played enough with it to see the load of potential…!

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